solutions. claire mccaskill in missouri on her last leg of the democratic candidate there, andd as david president trump won by overwhelming numbers, saying any does support president trump's move to send troops to the border to stop the caravan. they shouldn't just be able to come in to the country. pulling back that up as well some of the american people say we can't have influxes of 1,000 people come here with zero vetting and zero -- getting in line and -- >> shannon: the truth is, neither democrat nor moroccan administrations have got this thing solved. never. >> is a fallacy that either party genuinely wants to fix this or at least want to do something feasible to me to the middle to address this. to katie's point, i think she's correct in that illegal immigration is a tougher atomic for democrats, the way that some of the far left have framed it by talking about abolishing i.c.e., which is not the party platform. the president does himself a debt service when releasing that racist dad last week when apparently he rejected the one on the economy because he wanted something more punchy and