president obama was in the office -- >> chris: i understand, there was a recession. >> democrats moved us toward the sustained economy. >> chris: are you saying the president deserves no -- >> i didn't say that. >> chris: i'm asking. >> what i'm suggesting is what this is based on is a false premise. the notion of this tax cut that is going to somehow help the american people in the long run i think is a scam. i think what they've done is a desperate need to pass anything. bit the end of the year, they rammed through a bill without fully understanding what was in the bill. it was done in a very, very highly partisan way. and i think in the end, it's the average worker, the middle clas in this country is going to suffer because of the tax cut bill. >> chris: let's turn toan immigration. the president ordered the deployment of up to 4,000 members of the nation fall guard to the southern border and the fact is more people are attempting to cross the border illegally, just take a look at these statistics. in march of 2017, 16,000 people were caught at the border.

Related Keywords

President ,Chris Donald ,President Obama ,Economy ,Democrats ,Chris ,Office ,Recession ,People ,Anything ,Notion ,Need ,Premise ,Scam ,Tax Cut ,Run ,Way ,Country ,Bill ,Immigration ,Tax Cut Bill ,Worker ,The End ,Fact ,Border ,Nation ,Statistics ,Members ,Look ,Deployment ,4000 ,2017 ,March Of 2017 ,16000 ,

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