think. >> it's a really interesting thing because i think you are right. for the longest time, silicon valley didn't want to believe there was a problem. everybody likes disruption because it's easy. what they don't want is to bear the consequences of having done that. now that they are being called to task, what's really cool, i wrote this last weekend that brought ceos to me to start conversations for the first time. i'm not worried about popularity. that's not what this is about. i'm really worried about our children, and worried about the country, i'm worried about democracy. i'm worried about what goes on in the world. i just think that we don't want to be made more lonely. we don't want to be made more sad, we don't want to be made more unsuccessful. and wish for sure don't want that to happen to our kids. >> tucker: what you think the right way -- you are saying this is a very informed, unusually informed person on this questiot way to manage your children's use of these devices? >> i think the really important thing for every parent to