support of things like the reyes act. those are things you will see us focus on and talk about in the come days. >> martha: do we have a deal? iowa congressman steve king. good evening. good to see you tonight. >> good evening, martha. i'm happy to hear sarah's voice on some of that that's my first question then. is that enough? is that something can you live with. >> oh, no. it helps when she is weighing in on this part and saying there are a lot of things that the president would like to get. i don't know that that ever gets me to amnesty, but it may get others there. and i understand the president, i believe on this. his heart kind of overruled his campaign promises and he served up daca to congress and threw it out and said well, i'm going to keep my campaign promise this way. 8 months late with a six month delay and then congress it's the equivalent of throwing daca into congress to try to write a bill that satisfies the president is equivalent of throwing a cat into the