mueller, formally notified the president that he is under investigation? >> the president has not been notified by anyone that he's under investigation. that tweet, chris, was in response to "the washington post" story that alleged that five unnamed sources, anonymous sources, leaked to "the washington post" that the president was, in fact, under investigation. so that tweet was in response to that. there's been no notification of any investigation. nothing's changed since james comey said the president was not a target or a subject of investigation. nothing's changed. chris: well, but you don't know that he isn't under investigation now, do you? >> well, no one's notified us that he is. i can't read people's minds, but i can tell you this, we have not been notified that there's an investigation of the president of the united states. so nothing has changed. chris: i want to go after another part of this tweet. why is he going after deputy attorney general rod rosenstein? first of all, he seems to imply that rosenstein is investigating him. that's not true. it's mueller. and secondly, he is making it