that women are strong enough to tell a man "shut the hill out." >> tom: there it is! look. i think, harrison, you have been mansplaining to me this entire show, i haven't held it against you. >> mansplain doesn't mean when a man is explaining. it's when a man is "it's to explain his own perspective to her. >> tom: you are taking the humor out of our discussion. [laughter] >> new yorker cartoons are funny as donald trump is to breeding presidential. barely if ever. nobody looks to new yorker cartoons. you never laugh out loud. >> tom: do you, anthony? >> my god, it's a ziggy! seinfeld did an episode on how lousy "new yorker" cartoons are. my personal opinion? if a girl drag me to an art museum, i should be able to recite andrew dice clay's albums in front of her without taking