challenges is that you have to go through four different governmental entities to be able to hire a foreign worker. >> the next generation of torreys is weary of continuing the family tradition. >> it's hard to watch she is working more trying to stay in business than try to better our business. people writing the regulations have never even stepped foot on a farm. >> average american not in farming, how does this effect their grocery store bills and economy. >> higher prices for the consumer. >> that could mean a product that's imported instead of locally grown. >> it's also a national security issue because we need to be able to produce your own food supply. and once you lose the ability to do that, you become a weaker country. and a i guess the question is do we want to import our workers or import our food? >> so the h 2 b says like we are talking about here temporary seasonal guest workers and used for jobs that typically do not need a degree. also discussed in the debate