now, they say they were joking, nobody believes that. this is a militant group. these people, black lives matter, do they have an influence at all? >> certainly very, very possible. and, of course you have to say the natural follow up to that is all lives matter. but this is what apparently gets them upset. and rhetoric, i think, can very well play a role. we know that the assassination of two new york city police officers in december was a direct result of this kind of rhetoric. this kind of talk in the aftermath. >> cited on his website the guy who murdered the two police officers. >> exactly, yeah. >> now, when you were police commissioner here, you had stop and frisk. and primarily in the poor neighborhoods where there was a lot of violence. that dropped murder rates in those neighborhoods. since the liberal mayor bill de blasio has taken over and bill bratton not a liberal is a police commissioner, they have stopped the stop and frisk programs in east new york, bush wick, the bronx, places where it's