caught -- caught him in the middle of/:!vg what appeared to be a drug deal. police in memphis say the amount of marijuana involved was so mall=fónv -- small the suspect would have gotten off with just a fine. >> when you look. individual, you're looking at a coward. he is a coward.ñ,es you gun down, you murder a police officer two grams of marijuana. >> 1.7 grams and the policerçísv officer decision the police chief says he wouldn't have even been taken to jail for thus are this. the officer1l bolton former marine, who joined the memphis police department five yearsñ6)o ago. jonathan sire. what more do we know about7l this went down in southeast memphis? >> reporter: well, it started out as a rñ7oj%e patrol saturday evening, cease-fire sean bolton noticed an illegally parkedg!5=8 mercedes. he went up to the car shown his spotlight in the car and investigators believe he may have interrupted a drug