america is becoming an entitlement nation. look at these stats. a census report shows in 2011, more than 49% of americans received some sort of assistance from the government. in fact, the united states has spent $3.7 trillion on welfare programs over the last five years. do numbers like this suggest that america is on the road towards socialism? let's ask arthur brooks, president of the american enterprise institute. what's so different about those numbers, arthur? >> look, those numbers are rising. they've been rising all the way through the recession, all the way through the crisis. the problem is that these numbers always tend to rise and never tend to fall. so we're going to come off the cliff, people are going to start going back to work, we hope. the trouble is we're not going to have people coming off these unearned entitlement benefits and that changes our nation permanently. >> in what way? >> well, what's happened in europe basically is that we've created an entire class of people who learned helplessness, who have gone away from the work force, who actually don't know how to be part of the work force. the problem with that is not the

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