very workable, are you going to see that store covered on nbc? >> i bet you would. i bet you would. conservatives, if it is not going to work, if it is so horrible, let it not work. >> i guaranty, nancy schneiderman will not show the downside of obamacare. she never has. never will. jon: alan colmes, jumpinger to be. >> thank you. jenna: talk to our friends. you want a breather? >> you guys take a break. jenna: got a lost fire going on there the two of you. not underestimating it. >> thanks so much, nice. hi, everyone. we're super excited. we hope you will join us for the launch of our new show today. what a big day we're starting. >> with all the news going on. it's a new day. this is exciting day. we'll have a ton of breaking news at top of the hour. a lot moving in washington that folks need to hear about. >> absolutely. plus we will always be on the look out for the latest important crime stories today. today we'll what is happening

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