ourselves and to get early warning of the kind of events like the gas leak, tragedy we saw in kenya or what we saw in the boston marathon so people need to understand, this isn t about playing games. this is about the only way in which we can warn ourselves and stop something before it results in a terrible loss of life. jenna: secretary chertoff, thank you so much. good to be on. jon: a major news network is seeing some questions raised about its objectivity. nbc news airing a special series on obamacare as those insurance exchanges kick off tomorrow. is this news coverage or does it cross the line into advocacy? we ll analyze what they re doing. plus lindsay lohan back in the spotlight sitting down for a high profile interview with oprah. fox news has the 411 ahead.
very workable, are you going to see that store covered on nbc? i bet you would. i bet you would. conservatives, if it is not going to work, if it is so horrible, let it not work. i guaranty, nancy schneiderman will not show the downside of obamacare. she never has. never will. jon: alan colmes, jumpinger to be. thank you. jenna: talk to our friends. you want a breather? you guys take a break. jenna: got a lost fire going on there the two of you. not underestimating it. thanks so much, nice. hi, everyone. we re super excited. we hope you will join us for the launch of our new show today. what a big day we re starting. with all the news going on. it s a new day. this is exciting day. we ll have a ton of breaking news at top of the hour. a lot moving in washington that folks need to hear about. absolutely. plus we will always be on the look out for the latest important crime stories today. today we ll what is happening
law. that was popular on the senate side with democrats and republicans by a vote of 79 senators voting to repeal that tax early they are year. and another option is to pull out congressional exemptions and waivers and subsidies for obamacare. that would also cover the administration. that would be a little tougher foredemocrats to defend voting against. jon: because they don t want to be seen as, you know, making themselves, feeding at the public trough, in other words, making available to themselves the average american can not do? exactly, americans get their head around that. why can t they be a part of this too? taxpayers are funding this. why can t they be in the exchanges as well? so i think that s, you know, it is not that popular in republican offices either but just how republicans we talked to say this is definitely an option that they could come back with towards the senate. if senator reed says reid
we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call. and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call. today. liberty mutual insurance res. what s your policy? jon: happening now , a major news network accused of crossing the line from objective reporting to cheer leading when it comes to obamacare. nbc news saying it will devote a week of programming to help americans understand obamacare which remains confusing to many. the peacock network saying it
rejected out of hand. jenna? jenna: yikes! also on the sunday shows, doug, there was this talk about a conference committee that sometimes is formed by both bodies to out how to compromise in smaller groups. why isn t that happening here? that is where the republicans are largely laying the blame at the hands of the democrats for failing to form this kind of a committee. senator rand paul says that is really the way out of this congressional intransigence. why don t we have a conference committee on this? you could appoint one today. they could meet tomorrow and hash out the differences. that is the way it is supposed to work. republicans and democrats are supposed to find middle ground. right now the president is saying my way or the highway. reporter: just moments ago house speaker john boehner gave another indication that both sides are completely dug in on this issue. he said that obamacare, he said this on the house floor moments ago, is knot ready for prime time. he said it