jenna: just for the record. >> reporter: i'm still getting wet. jenna: you've got to get inside. phil keating live for us from florida. thank you. jon: and the passengers will get right back on after they cleaned the thing, right. jenna: right, not immediately, when it's ready to sail. jon: she said it was just one of those nights. two weeks abg the oscar winner and her husband landed in jail, well reese witherspoon is opening up now about the bad behavior that got her arrested. plus, new questions about who knew what and when they knew it as three pals of one of the boston terror suspects are arrested and charged with serious crimes in connection with those attacks. money, and i avoid frustration. you'll find reviews on home repair to healthcare written by people just like you. you want to be sure the money you're about to spend is money well spent. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.