this was an operation, provides operation and these are militants attacking our embassy. >> brian: we heard that george bush was the problem. it was his policies over eight years that got everybody angry at us and the war in iraq. when the president made that cairo speech, things were supposed to be better. are the 20 attacks attacks in 20 different nations have anything to do with the president's policies in the middle east and his speech in cairo? >> of course, it all began in the speech in cairo which was not reflecting an american consensus. it was not debated in congress. it was not debated here. this is a major change in foreign policy. the president went there and guess what? he met actually the muslim brotherhood much his dialogue was with the muslim brotherhood. we didn't see women organizations in that auditorium. he told the muslim brotherhood that we are changing policy, we're withdrawing from afghanistan and iraq. so what kinds of message is going to be heard by the muslim brotherhood? that we are being on a defeat role. that's why today the jihaddists