$3 billion heading to california territory to a few million and then when the democrat gets, in devol patrick, zoom. you are right very different times and the recession causes some kind of, you know, unemployment spike and poverty spike. but there have been governors in states of ohio, kasich, state of indiana, mitch daniels, state of virginia, mcconnell who have improved the economy in the teeth of the recession and devol patrick hasn't. so my question to the governor should he decide to come on the program and that would be when hell freezes over is i don't think this is a guy you want to criticize when your record is worse, deer citizen, am i wrong. >> they were very different times. i will give mitt romney credit where credit is due. he did a lot of good things when he was governor. balancing the budget someone of those things. marianne is right. there were a lot of cuts that occurred. unfortunately when you need to balance the budget, you have to make cuts. and so i think that i would give him credit for that.