>> she does. >> it was no accident, folks. >> ous to prove it. >> dana: that was mary lou retton in 1984 at age 16 won two silver and bronze and gold in first american gymnast to do so. born in west virginia in 1968. that clip we just saw there, is my first memory and most enduring memory of the olympic games. it tried my hand at gymnastics and i was not made out to be an olympian. she has gone on to be an olympian in life. does anybody else remember that? >> eric: unbelieve. >> greg: what is she doing? >> dana: mom of four girls, living in fairmont, west virginia. three of them are gymnasts. one of them is a cheerleader who is one of the really good kind. >> greg: we were married briefly in the -- >> dana: really? >> greg: in the '80s. things fell apart. >> dana: she was shorter