manhattan and it's called tommy's lasagna, right? >> where are you? >> we're on 18th street between park and irving in gramercy. >> i really hope that you're watching from the new york city area because today, just a few blocks from here is the very first bacon bash. >> we're having a bacon bash a few blocks from here. let's go. it starts at noon today. what's the idea? >> the idea is all vendors serving everything bacon. bacon vodka, bacon sandwiches, bacon candy. everything bacon. >> what do you have? >> we have a pork belly meatball slider. >> ok. so i see these meatballs. >> those are pork belly meatballs. >> that's where you get bacon is the belly of the pig. >> exactly. >> you put it on a bun with some panchetta and rigatta. let's put some meatball on there. >> you put some cheese on. >> and then you put -- >> a piece of panchetta on top of that, stick the bun on it. >> jam it in your face. >> there you go. >> oh!