congress. ok, here's all this money, you guys figure out how to spend it. and a lot of it was not spent wisely. >> my feeling is, yeah, there's only so much money you can spend. in the book, i write about how even some of obama's own advisors like peter orzack had concerns there's only so much money that congress can get out the door. to fix that, there's two things you want to do. one is cut taxes. they could have done more. second thing is they could have sent more money to the states that are laying out firefighters and policemen. they tried to do that. they should have done a little bit more. it was congress that prevented them from doing that. i think that would have been pretty effective. you don't want to lay off a bunch of teachers in a recession. >> you hate to have anybody laid off. what, though, do you feel is the political peril for the president if he fumbled the stimulus and the economy? >> look, obviously the unemployment is the single most important factor in determining whether he's going to be re-elected and i think that's just the thing they didn't quite get. i mean, obviously they knew this unemployment rate was going to