just very nervous all the time. very nervous. can't stand still. always just like -- not like he was on drugs but it seems like something was upsetting his brain. i'm not surprised. >> reporter: the lausd fired berndt last march when it was made aware of the investigation. crisis counselors have been helping the 23 victims and their family. the sheriff's department says ten people in the photographs have not yet been identified. the school principal expresses the deepest sympathy for the victims. bendt is expected in court this morning. he's in jail, in lieu of $2.3 million bail. reporting live in south l.a., melissa macbride, "abc 7 eyewitness news". leslie: all right melissa, thank you very much for that. new details this morning about what triggered a fatal crash on the 405 freeway that backed up traffic for miles. it happened about 8:25 last night, just of santa monica boulevard.

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