generations with that debt. the super committee, maybe they will come up with $1.2 trillion in cuts but they aren't dealing with baseline budget. even the fed said the chance of a new recession tops 50 percent. what is the answer? how do we get congress really to adopt bold responsible programs instead of basically playing the old washington insider game and just punching around the edges here? >> there are two fundamental things. number one we have to win an election. people that believe in limited government and believe government should be making it easier, not harder to create jobs in america, we need more people like that elected in 2012. but that election is not until november of next year and people are hurting right now. in the interim i think we need to do the best we can without doing any further marm the way the administration would have us do through some of their ideas. what i have basically done, i have sat down with a democrat, with senator coons of delaware and i have identified all the things in common in the jobs plans and our idea is let's pass

Related Keywords

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