are calling it the obama economy. bill: let me ask you a little bit more about that. we expect to her a lot of republicans in the next 12 months say are you better off now than you were four years ago. it will be a repeated mantra from 1980. how much county democrats hang on president bush and say, it's your fault and here is why? >> reporter: it could work. this is a very personally popular president. the approval numbers you looked at were on his job performance. the american people like barack obama. that is going to make him very difficult to beat. if they see even a sliver of hope that the economy is getting better this time next year then he's going to be -- i still believe he'll be tough to beat. if we head into a double-dip recession i think all bets are off. they are going to trot out what the gipper says, are you better off today four years ago and very few americans are going to be able to say yes to that question. bill: many would argue that we are already in a double-dip

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Bill Bauer And Fattal ,President Obama ,Lot ,Economy ,Republicans ,Mantra ,Four ,12 ,Reporter ,People ,Georgew Bush ,Democratic Leader ,Job Performance ,Fault ,Approval Numbers ,1980 ,Hope ,Recession ,Sliver ,This Time Next Year ,Bets ,The Big Question ,American ,Many ,Gipper ,

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