a real question, and if they won't answer, you go back and you ask it again, or a second time or a third time or a fourth time. >> most transparent white house in history, so they claim, has yet to produce a budget. >> the minute you make a dig like that, the minute you're not going to answer a kwechlt you stick to what the issue is and you know you're both playing equal, but the fact he has to make a dig at him as if he's doing something wrong, shows that he's on to something. >> this is appointed aggressive line of questioning, not know where near out of bounds to, but for him to use that as an excuse to go after the fox thewes channel, there are other reporters, some of them who do take appointed aggressive approach with carney. he never singles out their networks, but he did to fox. >> jon: we have to take a break. first, if you want to keep up the media stories, go to our website, watch list section. up next, is it important how the media label a killer? >> terror strikes in norway, a