of twisters that they had ever played in their life. let me just say, i was so touched that warner brothers and cbs sent a special edition guide for a home rehab, but i was surprised to hear it was gary by see. -- gary busey. >> they went to emilio es staw varies' house too. >> you like bad boys, brooke. >> why do you say that? >> i see you all over town on motorcycles. >> not true! >> does this make sheen more attractive to you? >> this is so sad. my heart goes out to him and his family. drug abuse is -- >> my heart doesn't. >> it is not a funny thing. as shultz knows, it is not a funny thing at all. >> it is hilarious. i laugh harder on drugs than ever. >> what is going on? how is he getting away with repeatedly hiring prostitutes and not going to proper rehab. what is going on? >> penal code is a great name for a porn, might i add? >> that is true. you believe you have an answer