partisan i would like to see politicians talk about what the solutions of the problems are not standing pointing fingers appear each other while nothing is being done. >> typical of the election mood in nevada a state crippled by the recession. >> just driving around town, you see how many businesses are closed. you see a casino that just recently closed. restaurants. >> drive down by record street, over half the people that are down there today in those tent cities at record street owned homes from two years ago. >> whether it's worries about the economy or frustrations with career politicians. charlene and paul speak the same language. >> we can look at the slate of candidates today and i think our founding fathers would roll over in their graves looking at them today. because they don't represent the mainstream of america. >> i'm just shocked and amazed and frightened how many things they blatantly do because they can do without regard, it's like a freight train and it's heading down hill and it's -- i blame