the college president daniel pat just insulted the taxpayers of georgia by cheerleading for her. trying to block her deportation process. she was arrested on campus on a traffic charge. and then she gave false information so that's a serious thing in itself. anybody else would be sitting in jail. >> sure, and she was so close to graduating, extraordinarily she dreams of being a lawyer some day and there she is in the country illegally. but let's face it, phil, it's an open secret. a lot of campuses across the country are safe havens for illegals. >> well, that's the outrageous part. they are becoming sanctuaries for illegals. they're denying slots to people who are here legally or citizens and these colleges and universities are going to have to start a verification process. there's, for example, the save program, s-a-v-e, you can check data bases who is legal and not legal. colleges better step up. >> let me be devil's advocate