jon: what about that plan to use chemical disper sants on the oil slick? how's that going? >> reporter: the weather was really bad all weekend long, high winds not only laying out boom lines, a lot of them were breached, 80% according to alabama's governor, but the winds were too bad. the planes are loaded, they're ready to fly, and we do expect they will begin flying over the oil slick today. they can cover 250 acres per drop. bp's also conducting its second test today of actually pouring those chemicals 5,000 feet down into a tube all the way at the head of the leak trying to disperse it that way, and noaa's analyzing to determine whether that's safe environmentally speaking, and that could help out in the long range in the future large-scale pouring of those chemicals. right now it's unchecked oil flow, and it continues. jon: phil, thanks. jane: want to get to news on general motors, how were sales

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