around the table, you wouldn't know who was a republican or who was a democrat. governors are talk about the innovations they put in place in their states. vermont is leading the way in many respects. we cut the number of uninsured in our state by about a quarter over the last year-and-a-half. we've been deemed the healthiest state in america two years in a row according to national surveys. other states are doing great things as well. what i want is for governors to share those experiences. to learn from each other, to begin to implement reform at the state level. now we can't do it all, because medicaid and medicare are federally funded programs. we have to have them be a part of this. i think a lot of great things are happening already. >> shannon: governor, let me ask you. in the weeks and hours really leading up to that senate vote on christmas eve here in washington, if their version passed, how concerned were you about some of the deals that apparently seem to be being made that would have benefitted the specific states? what kind of concern was that for you in vermont? >> well, i think that all states need to be treated