because there's something about being an underdog and a voyeur that makes comedy possible. and so how do you keep on looking at what's going on if suddenly everyone's looking at you and make that funny? >> next seven, come right here. okay. it will be a dollar. a dollar. thank you very much. $1. great. i wanted to int you to look up here where i have the actual gilda radner buy anything you want section of my home. and here a terrific reproduction of a poster of roseanne roseanne danna. and that's a steal at $15. >> when i first went on television, i didn't have roseanne in me. she came out of living and coping with new york. >> we were doing a parody that rosie shuster wrote, and my character was supposed to work in a hamburger joint. >> i was fired from my job making burgers in the back kitchen at burgerland because a