so it's basically the partially digested juice that's made from when a cow eats grass. shit juice. it's not -- it's not on the menu for me. >> anthony: aw geez. oh no. >> andy: exactly, yeah. i did not order that. we're not having that. >> anthony: okay. we're not having that. >> andy: we're not having that. >> anthony: okay. i'm thinking we'll stick to the plain blood soup. thank you very much. >> andy: and the way that they make it is they take the raw blood and they scrunch it with lemongrass for a long time. because that kind of kills the gamey flavor of the blood, helps with coagulation, and adds flavor. and then they actually make a chopped laap -- the minced meat salad that's raw. and that goes in. a whole bunch of deep-fried kherung ni, or innards.