ment of them love the white noise and redirection. more it's about hillary clinton less it is about donald trump. >> the attorney general is on thin ice for a long time with the president of the united states. you think his job is now in further jeopardy? >> always seems to be in further jeopardy, but he never goes anywhere. he's been pretty insistent he's not going anywhere. of course, it's up to the president if he wants to remove the attorney general, who he would put in place in terms of who could get through the senate is an open question. interesting to see what republicans do now. we have heard some republicans criticizing jeff sessions, particularly folks in the house freedom caucus. those calls grow? we have to watch the president's twitter account, right? we know privately, and apparently calls jeff sessions mr. magoo, and he's talked about him being weak and, obviously, being frustrated with him that