to count. he took the time to thank the supports, talked about the grass roots campaign, the conor lamb folks ran. he also gave thanks to the labor community. at the end of the day they believe some of the folks in the labor community, 18th district can help them eek out a win here. but he told the crowd to hang in there. can you hear them channing conor lamb. he told the crowd to hang in there. he said hang in there at least for another hour. don't go home yet but it looks like it might be longer than another hour before this is all coming to an end. anderson. >> yes certainly will take several hours in some locations for the absentee ballots to be counted. in the minutes we have remaining here with this particular panel obviously our coverage is going to continue all through the night. if conor lamb is able to pull it out and as close as it is what's the message for exacts and then for republicans. >> the message for democrats is that we won in a district that