theorists who have put this case under a high-powered microscope, splitting hairs and then proceeding to split the split hairs. the kennedy case is now the most complex murder case by far in world history. nothing even remotely comes close. >> we are left with the series of real and critical questions about the assassination. questions which have not been answered to the satisfaction of the people of the united states. >> when president kennedy was killed, he was not killed by one man. he was shot from a number of different directions by different guns. the story has been suppressed. witnesses have been killed. and this is your country. >> we aren't trying to hide a thing from you or from mr. epstein or mr. lane or the world. we are laying it all out. that's right here in the notes of testimony. and if we have transposed in error a possibly into a probably, then we are delighted to have you point it out to us. but you can do so only because we've laid it on the line.