reporter. so the idea he was just making up quotes, we need more evidence to support that. >> it's so many people saying the same thing. i feel like -- once you get to the eighth, the ninth. it goes back to toobin's point earlier. have you these fights for the soul of the presidency. when i was a kid, ronald reagan was our president and the conservatives had this big movement, let reagan be reagan. james baker moderated him. i worked for bill clinton. a lot of the left thought he had moved to the center. that was a bad idea. it was about positions. scott wants to make it about policies. bannon is not a republican. this critique is whether this man is fit to serve as president. rupert murdoch quoted calling him a blanking idiot. the secretary of treasury and the chief of staff of the white house also call him an idiot. gary cohn calls him dumb as blank, poop. h.r. mcmasters causing him a