>> peter: you have the two most appreciated fish here on the table of paraguay. >> anthony: yep. >> peter: that's the catfish, surubí. >> anthony: and that? >> peter: that's the dorado, the golden fish. >> anthony: oh, the dorado. of course. yes. ooh, that's tasty! ooh, that's nice. >> anthony: so, i'm -- i'm curious about this whole episode of the settlement of nouveau bordeaux. >> guido: there came about four hundred people. they were supposed to be about one thousand. they were supposed to be, most of them, farmers. but just eighty-six were farmers. >> anthony: who were the other people? just -- >> guido: they were tailors; they were shoemakers, musicians -- >> peter: teachers and artists, and they were put in the jungle and left by themselves. >> anthony: right. why here, of all of the places in the world? people talk about the chaco as a hell.