the real turkeys that are on that menu. >> jeremiah: the lobster in here and a little bit of caviar on top, and they'll pour the hot soup in at the table. >> mark: you have to be able to create a team, pull together a group of people that, one, know how to cook, two, understand what it is you want, and three, are able to make that happen. >> jeremiah: everybody taste, please, so that we know what the standard is. so this is our benchmark. okay? >> clark: when you think about all the famous chefs -- ducasse or robuchon, thomas keller -- none of those famous people could do tavern on the green. it has to be an american. it has to be somebody who's schooled in the old ways, but not stuck in them. it has to be somebody who will command great respect. and who else has that all together, plus the ability to do volume and to put on a show? jeremiah. >> andrew: whether or not the owners want that influence from him beyond the kitchen, that relationship needs to be calibrated, you know, at every restaurant where the chef is not also the owner.