happened two weeks ago. lying to a federal official charge, that's five years or more. >> i get the impression that muell mueller's investigation is really heating up following the other indictments. >> you can tell that by the public signs. as we saw a week or so ago, how much privately mueller is doing in only revealing you know, with people were cooperting who we don't yet know about. so i think there's a lot of activity going on. there's potential for more indictments and more interviews. >> i'm sure the president is watching all this and his staff at the white house is reporting on it. they're all pretty nervous. >> i think he said it. if you're in the white house, if you had done something, ooempb if it was very, very little, you are concerned at this point. i think what the president is thinking now, how do i telegraph the people that i will get them off. that if they are indicted, convicted of something, how can i go in and get them off and i'm sure that's going through his mind. >> stand by. more news we're following. we'll be right back.