episode -- this is an ongoing "real housewives" show. >> listen, we are now however many months into "the real housewives of the white house" and i'm calling for a reunion show early. the term isn't up. i think we need to get one going. the president has been tweeting like liberally like a real housewi housewife. >> you've been saying this for months now. i want to read you some of the president's tweets because goin considered a great honor for a championship team. stephen curry is hesitating, therefore invitation is withdrawn. >> this is a classic housewife move. rescind invitations liberally. you saw it with beth nanny and louann. dor inda and seasona at the berk shiers. >> this is a move they do, a rescinded ichb have i taking. >> yes. now, if he had said that he wasn't coming, so it didn't really work in this case, but that's the fine print. >> all right.