questioning whether president barack obama, the first african-american president, was born in the united states. these are some things that lead people to believe that there are more nefarious efforts underway behind this delay in president trump's comments and an indication that this controversy is not going to evaporate from the white house any time soon. back to you. >> you're absolutely right. the president arriving at trump tower in new york last night. his first time back since taking office. he was greeted by a swarm of protesters shouting messages like "no hate" and "impeach." mr. trump turning to twitter a new controversy. so just hours ago, you know, last night, like 11:00, he re-tweeted a post from a prominent alt-right activist. this is -- he re-tweeted someone best known for indulging in outrageous conspiracy theories. the post questioned why the media was covering the charlottesville story instead of violence in chicago. >> the president has been under fire for not specifically rejecting the support of white supremacy groups or immediately calling them out by name. he's not explained why. listen to this exchange with cnn's jim acosta --