so who started in the restaurant hospitality business in nashville first? you started -- >> pat: october of '06. >> anthony: '06. tylerwetarted in 2003. >> anthony: '03? at was it like in '03? what did people want to eat in nashville in '03? >> sean: holy cow. >> tyler: steak and potatoes. >> sean: steakhouse, man. that's all it was. those were the only places to eat. >> anthony: yeah, but which came first, the customer or the chef in this case? >> pat: chef. >> sean: chef, man. >> tyler: chef showed up first. >> anthony: how open to new shit -- >> sean: that's the thing about nashville. >> anthony: -- were people in nashville? always? from the beginning? >> sean: people, yeah. >> pat: because it's artistic. people are very progressive. >> tandy: it's such a creative -- >> pat: it doesn't mean they know what they're tasting, or at that time they knew what they were tasting, but they wanted it. >> anthony: who's from here originally? >> tandy: i am. >> anthony: that's it. >> tandy: i think so. >> anthony: so there are all carpetbaggers at this table? >> tandy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> anthony: i mean, right?