>> chef kazuo: [ speaking japanese ] >> anthony: really good. of everyone in the family, how'd your dad end up the weirdo? >> catherine: so, after he graduated high school, he didn't have any idea what he wanted to do. my uncle at the time, he was already in tokyo and he was like, "look, come out to tokyo, work at ginza sushiko," and he went to go check it out and he loved it. >> anthony: forgive me if i'm wrong -- that was a tremendous break for an aimless young man from the provinces. >> catherine: you know, my father, being the second son, he kinda had free range to do whatever he wanted. >> anthony: right. >> catherine: [ speaking japanese ] >> chef kazuo: [ speaking japanese ] >> catherine: so, traditionally it's the oldest son who stays to take care of the parents. >> anthony: if he could live his life over again -- >> catherine: yeah. >> chef kazuo: [ speaking japanese ] >> anthony: a designer? of? >> chef kazuo: a fashion designer. >> anthony: fashion designer? >> catherine: fashion! really? >> chef kazuo: [ speaking japanese ]