and does reflect -- i think you have to give, on this one, i think trump makes a lot of wild assertions, but on this one, i don't think -- >> presumably, donald trump tomorrow will be sworn in as the next president of the united states. a lot of people agree those unemployment numbers are not realistic. >> that's what steve mnuchin said. this is one of the reasons donald trump got elected. he understands there are a lot of people out there who feel left behind. to be fair, both parties kind of do this depending on who is in office and who is out. if they want to downplay how well the president is doing in terms of the jobs numbers. they will always go to the fact that there are people who have dropped out. it's a game both sides play. it doesn't make it illegitimate. >> but it does speak to the larger question of people feeling like they are treading water and they haven't -- their incomes haven't risen the way they should and the notion that they believe their children are going to be less well off than they were when they were their