Now on bbc news all the latest Business News live from singapore. How well has indias economy whether the cash ban on big notes . We find out when the government releases Economic Growth figures later today. And we are nearly halfway to the year. For and we are nearly halfway to the yea r. For investors and we are nearly halfway to the year. For investors it has been a steady climb upwards, but could there be trouble spots ahead . Welcome to Asia Business report. We start with india, and the latest Economic Growth figures due later today. Gdp data generated in the march quarter should offer clues on any more effects from the controversial cash ban. The south asian economy has been expanding at a rate of around 7 , lower than previous quarters due to this sudden withdrawal of two of the most commonly used banknotes late last year. So, our businesses there feeling the pinch . Our team and by when to find out. In mumbai. Funky music it is difficult for us to get to the 7 plus growth rate
fixing our country s infrastructure. it was the right time to be making plans for moments that when the economy s not as good as it is right now. so i worry that we re on a kind of sugar high that we re having a party, but that there s something fundamentally unsound about the approach we re taking, the approach we re taking as we push protectionism around the world. the approach we re taking as we reject agreements with other countries. the approach we re taking as we try to have a trickle-down strategy. where we concentrate most of our tax cuts on corporations, rather than on workers whose incomes haven t kept up. i want yes, the wind is at the wind has been behind our back for some years now and that is a
that s how i thought it had to be. but then i talked to my doctor about humira, and learned humira can help get and keep uc under control. when certain medications haven t worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you ve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you ve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don t start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations and ask your gastroenterologist if humira may be right for you. with humira, control is possible.
thought and still think it was worth it. one of those congressman who supported obamacare and lost his seat as a result of it was former virginia congressman tom perriello. he s now running for governor in a democratic primary in virginia and released this ad moments after congress voted thursday, the house at least, voted to repeal the affordable care act. republican leaders are trying to do this to affordable health care. i m tom perriello, and in congress, i voted for obamacare. because it was wrong that a million virginians weren t covered. while insurance companies held all the power. now i m running for governor because it s wrong that most virginia incomes haven t gone up in 20 years. together, we can stop donald trump, raise wages, and build an economy that works for everyone. and we ll make sure this never happens in virginia. tom perriello joins me now. i m impressed by the one take, congressman. you managed that very well. the crushing of the ambulance as