right now, there's broad agreement at the cia and at the fbi and other agencies that the russian intelligence agencies hacked the democratic national committee and that they targeted democrats by orchestrating the release of these embarrassing e-mails. now the cia, in a briefing a couple weeks ago, did tell members of congress that it was also clear that the russians were trying to get trump elected. now the fbi isn't ready to go that far. they still are looking at a mix of motivation, but broadly they think it was about undermining our democratic system. the cia told lawmakers that they had new information from their sources. but really, even the cia deal isn't 100% definitive. a lot of this is circumstantial evidence. of course, donald trump is tweeting about all this this morning as you mentioned this morning he says why wasn't this brought up before the election? the answer, carol, is that it was brought up before the election. the president-elect would have learned a lot of this in his daily intelligence briefing. >> it was brought up in july. last july. and then we talked about it all