about -- >> you don't tweet? >> -- people who insulted me. >> you watch donald trump. do you ever laugh? do you ever actually laugh? >> most of the time. >> most of the time. >> reporter: both candidates making a heavy play for the state of florida. trump has two more stops here today. clinton has one more today and two more tomorrow. chris? >> all right. thank you very much, jason. appreciate it. donald trump and republicans blasting democrats after news that obamacare premiums will soar next year. trump declaring, quote, it's over for the aca, the a fordable care act. the plan's defenders insist most consumers will not feel the crunch. that gets us into a little bit of a spin game. we've got cnn's athena jones to unspin from the white house, the house of spin. >> reporter: good morning, chris. it could be sticker shock for millions of people. that's because the premiums for the benchmark silver plan, that's the mid-level plan, are