>> we began in 1979 just publishing two small books. then the next year we added six small cook books. then the next year several more. >> but merrill good and his wife, phyllis, could never imagine how their fate would change 20 years later. >> we were putting together our publishing list for the upcoming season. we had a cookbook on that list that was not coming through. >> phyllis stepped in. with a book of slow cooker recipes solicited from friends and local women aptly called "fix it and forget it." >> there was a real appetite for these books. they were brought into the stores and suddenly we were getting orders for reprints. >> without a single advertisement in the first year sales skyrocketed. >> our sales increased 1,000%, that is ten times in one year. most people talk about being up 10% or 50% is scary. doubling is really scary. we were up ten times in one year. >> success can come at a price. the goods worried their big hit could bankrupt their small business.