yeah, a moat. the philadelphia architect says that they were able to use the landscape as a security device which is meant to protect the embassy from potential bombers and remove the need for blast barriers. just put some crocodiles in the moat. construction is set to start in 2013 and should be finished in 2017. this new london embassy being built is one of the greenest and most eco-friendly in the world with solar panels on the roof and energy-absorbing materials lining the exterior and they will be able to collect and store london's rainfall, so when it comes to water the building is self-sufficient, which is all good and fine, and well, $1 billion price tag makes it one of the costliest u.s. em bas sis ever built which leads us to the question of tone deaf. these are announced at a time of record deficits and 10% unemployment and millions of americans struggling to make ends meet to pay for food and