Monday, November 30,2020
The hospitality sector is gradually becoming the mainstay of many economies in the world, and from the looks of it might also become the economic pillar of oil-rich economies such as Nigeria. There are so many states in the country that can effectively run-on revenue generated from hospitality. Delta State is one of such states.
With an estimation of over 4,112,445 people, a close gender balance of 2,069,309, male, and 2,043,136, female population, Delta State is considered one of the most endowed in Nigeria.
Known as the “The Big Heart” but the real popularity of the state comes from its being an oil-producing state in the Niger-Delta region. In the latest data on 13 per cent derivation sharing, Delta State ranked first with 31 per cent of N94.4 billion from a total of N302.8 billion according to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics 2019 report.