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Battlefield. He has his own battlefield where he oversees the brison bristo station battlefield. Kevin is the coauthor of the book to hazard all, a guide to the 1862 antietam campaign. Today he will talk to us a little bit about the aftermath the antietam campaign, the tail and that is often overlooked. He will tie into an earlier talk from today. Set in the larger context, he will talk about the loudoun campaign Loudoun Valley campaign of 1862. Ladies and gentlemen kevin pawlak. Thank you, chris, for that introduction and thank you to all of you for tuning into our virtual symposium. We hope you will be able to join us next year in 2021 we will be reprising our topic of what was supposed to be this years topic a foreign leaders. Today, im going to speak with you about the Loudoun Valley campaign which is a campaign that does not get a lot of study at all unfortunately in the larger scale of the civil war. I would probably wager there are more people in this room that i can count on one hand that there are books that talk about any greedy tale about the loudoun campaign itself. Why the loudoun belly campaign and whats the importance of this campaign . Its really one of those areas of the American Civil War, especially in historiography, that just gets glossed over. Its sort of an interlude period if you will between two of the major battles in the Eastern Theater. You have before it, the battle of antietam, fought september 17th, 1862. After it, you have the battle of fredericksburg in december of that year. Its really this three month period that is often not given the amount of coverage that i believe it deserves, and that for various reasons. Where we will pick up our story before we get into the details of the campaign itself is right where the two armies last met in any great size. That is on the fields and would lots around shops bird, maryland on september 17th of 1862. The bloodiest single day in American Military history. In about 20 and about 12 hours of fighting, 28,000 confederate and Union Soldiers will be killed, gone missing or captured. Thats a person every 12 seconds for 12 straight hours. It happens on september 17th. It is a minor Union Victory there on the Antietam Battlefield. But both armies are bled dry essentially by this latest action in the Eastern Theater of the war. September 17th of 1862 is not just essentially the high point of the Maryland Campaign, but its really the combination of three months of almost constant campaigning between the two major armies. When is the union army and the other the Confederate Army in the Eastern Theater of the war. And that three months time period, there have been between the two armies about 92,000 casualties. Thats the second bloodiest three month span between two armies in the entire American Civil War. Thats second only to the Overland Campaign in 1864. What is going to happen is not only the individual soldiers that are going to be bled dry, but the high command will as well. George mcclelland and the army of the potomac will lose two out of their six core commanders. About a 33 casualty rate for the second highest level of command in the union army. For the confederates, they will lose about three of their Nine Division commanders. Again, both armies are not just bleeding from the bottom, but they are bleeding from the top as well. But robert elite will do the united september 18th is carried his army back across the Potomac River and into virginia. There is a bit of a pursuit on the part of the union army as the union army fans out across western maryland to block the crossing coats of the Potomac River to make sure lee does not get his army back into maryland and continue the campaign. But by september the 20th, the campaign is going to come to an end. And then, of course, just after two days after just two days the Maryland Campaign concludes, you have one of the most important political actions of the entire war, thats the emancipation proclamation. France president Abraham Lincoln is going to announce to the country the preliminary emancipation proclamation on september 22nd. Its going to be a war changing measure and its it signals to both the confederacy and the citizens of the United States just how the war has changed already in this year and a half and how its going to continue to change and will forever change the United States as we know it. So there is a lot of political background and political pressure to whats going to happen in the loud in valley in late october in early november of 1862. This picture is very wellknown and very famous. Its taken in early october of that year during Abraham Lincolns visit to the army of the potomac in its camps around sharps bergh, maryland. It really underscores the growing divide between Abraham Lincoln and the army of the potomac commander, George Mcclelland, who you see on the right side of the photograph. Lincoln will come up to visit the army of the potomac. He wants to see the latest battlefield victory. He wants to see the Antietam Battlefield itself. He also wants to get a feel for the army at the potomac. Determined its state and what it can do next. But also, lee wants to talk with his commanding general and figure out what the next plan is. Its very difficult to decipher what exactly was determined during the two during these meetings. It dependent on who you ask. George mcclelland was under the belief that he himself got everything he wanted to out of lincolns visit. That was basically in assurance that lincoln would support mcclelland as it mcclelland sought to rebuild the army of the potomac in the weeks following the battle of antietam. If you asked Abraham Lincoln when he got out of this meeting, he believes he got an assurance from George Mcclelland that the army of the potomac was going to continue its next campaign soon. However, as soon as lincoln boarded a train and headed on back down to the executive office in washington d. C. , the rift began to grow at once again, aber winding between George Mcclelland and his commander in chief, Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was prodding mcclelland to continue to move forward. Mcclelland kept telling lincoln that the army was not well supplied. And many contemporary accounts of the our soldiers in the army of the potomac bear out the issue of supplies taking place. Events that took place in the middle of the month would widen the divide between lincoln and mcclelland. Stewards itinerary in his chambers bird raid was to ride around the union army of the potomac, gather intelligence, capture some prisoners, capture horses potentially if he could, and in just a few days stewart completely circumnavigate the union army. Its a ride of about 130 miles. He captures about 1200 pennsylvania horses. Its a very important impressive feat. Whats stewart is going to do on this raid is he is going to damage a lot of the horse flesh that is responsible for the success of the army of Northern Virginias mountain arm. Thats going to come into play in just a couple of weeks when the armies will once again engage in the Loudoun Valley and Northern Virginia. At the bottom of the screen, you will see store its headquarters, a home that is Still Standing in jefferson county, west virginia. When stewards cavalry came back to the bower, there was a grand celebration about this magnificent feat that stewards men had just accomplished. One of stewarts Staff Officers that i will discuss later, talked about how the women were being brought from all over the countryside an area to the power to celebrate this great feast or feet, excuse me. They were being pulled in by guns and carriages by fat pennsylvania mules that stewards men had captured in the preceding days. Stewarts raid prompts a bit of confusion and fog of war among the union high command in the days after it. Reports reach the army of the potomac headquarters, that the Confederate Army, which was positioned at the northern end of the valley, intelligence reached mcclellands headquarters that the Confederate Army was in fact pulling out of the shannon dove ali. Beginning on october 16th, mcclelland dispatched two of the known best swears in the army at the potomac to mount to recognizance is recommit recognizance is to figure out just where and what the confederates were actually up to. In the upper portion of the screen, you will see roughly the route that the column under the command of whom freeze takes into the interior of jefferson county. Roughly the area of the second column departs from Harpers Ferry on october 16th. This is one that George Mcclellands himself will personally company. That column is under the command of Winfield Scott hancock. And cox men will arrive shortly thereafter and there will be a battle for a day or so. But ultimately, what these two recognizance is well show to George Mcclelland is that the Confederate Army is still very much in force in the valley. This is happening as Abraham Lincoln and henry halep and and wind stanton are trying to prod George Mcclelland and the arm of the potomac to begin its next campaign into virginia. With the reconnaissance shows is that the value still heavily defended by confederate forces. Whats just a couple of days later, George Mcclelland will not look west of the blue Ridge Mountains, but instead will look to the east side, specifically the area between the blue Ridge Mountains on the west and the Bull Run Mountains on the east. That will fame frame the Loudoun Valley, the epicenter of becoming campaign. The morning of october 21st, a force under the command of john garry, someone familiar with loudoun accountable for the war. He had actually been head of an iron works alongside the Potomac River. He would come with a combined force of infantry, cavalry and artillery. The begin making a you movement through the short hills and up from Harpers Ferry. On their way back, they did not find much, but the six new york cavalry under the command of duncan mcvicker is going to clash with elements of the 35th virginia cavalry and a place called glenn moore farm. It is a very quick action, but it is something that is at least sketched by different newspaper artisans through the north. It is a resounding route of the confederate forces. Many are driven from the battlefield and captured. So whats garys reconnaissance into the loud in valley Loudoun Valley shows is that the loudoun rally is relatively clear of confederate forces. So that is going to call him to play Abraham Lincolns developing strategy for the Eastern Theater of the war as commander in chief of the union armies. On october 13th, while the confederate cavalry was in the process of getting around the army of the potomac, Abraham Lincoln would write a very wordy letter to George Mcclelland out lining lincolns vision of what the plan might be for the fall campaign. This is part of wet lincoln said. You are now near richmond then the enemy is that the route you can and that he must take. Why can you not reach there before him unless you admit that he is more than your equal on a march. His route, the enemies, is the arc of a circle, while yours is the cord. The roads are as good on yours as on his. You know i desired, but did not order you to cross the potomac below, meaning east up, rather than west of, the shenandoah and blue rich. My idea was that this would at once menaced the enemies communications, which i would seize if you would permit. If he should move northward, i would follow him closely, holding his communications. If he should prevent or cease in his communications and move towards richmond, i would pressed closely to him, find him if a favorable opportunity should present, and at least try to beat him to richmond on the inside track. I say try. If we never try, we shall never succeed. Nine days after receiving that dispatch from the commanderinchief. Just one day after recognizing that the Loudoun Valley east of the blue ridge is clear, George Mcclellan settles on the fact that his army will advance on the east side of the blue Ridge Mountains, utilizing the Loudoun Valley as his advance route, ultimately towards richmond. Here on the screen is an overview map of the Eastern Theater of the war. Essentially, what lincoln is talking about, and if youre at home i would encourage you to pull out a modern map of virginia today and youll be able to see exactly what lincoln is discussing. But again, with the Confederate Army positioned around wind chester, elements of the union army were actually closer to richmond than the Confederate Army was. But lincoln was hoping mcclellan and the army of the potomac could do is steal a march on the army of Northern Virginia, something the army of the potomac was not known for and not often do. Steal a march on the army of or Northern Virginia, get between robert e. Lee and the confederate capital, potentially find some ground that was favorable and be able to defeat lee before the winter set on, and that was a bad season for campaigning. Just a few days after informing lincoln of that fact, on october 24th and october 25th, mcclellan began to lay out the tenets of his plan. It was essentially this. Again, looking at a map of the Loudoun Valley, you can see between those two orange lines there on the map. The left line is the blue Ridge Mountains and the right line is the Bull Run Mountains. Everything between that is the Loudoun Valley. Mcclellans plan had his army march swiftly. They would march with ten days worth of rations during this campaign, because mcclellan realized that his army might be cut off from its supply base. Armed with that, the union army was going to move into columns. The left column consisted of the second and fifth corps. Their objective was to march along the eastern base of the blue Ridge Mountains and sees each of the mountain kept in the bluish so that they could secure the union supply line that was going to continually grow and grow and grow the further set that the union army advanced. Then the strikeforce if you will, the other side of mcclellands command, would be marching more toward the east, closer to the Bull Run Mountains, that was under the command of Ambrose Brynn side and consisted of three army corps. The first court, the sixth court in the ninth core. Beginning on october 26th, Union Cavalry is going to begin crossing the Potomac River on two pontoon bridges at berlin, maryland. Its now known as brunswick today. Heres an image. Its heavily debated whether this is showing federal troops crossing in october of 1862 or july of 1863 in the aftermath of the gettysburg campaign. Nonetheless, it, it gives you a very good idea of just wet this crossing might have looked like. Union soldiers recognized wet this meant going back across the Potomac River. As a New York Times correspondent wrote watching federal soldiers, thousands of them crossing at these two pontoon bridges, he said this. Only when the call and crossing the potomac by the pontoon bridge stepped on virginia soil, one of those impressive omens which is the greeks called faith, seem to thrill through the man. Lusty cheers spontaneously broke from 20,000 throats. It awokens positive echoes from the Virginia Hills and announced that the Third Campaign was commenced. Once the federal army began moving into the cleared out loud in valley Loudoun Valley, they found something relatively unexpected. Loudoun county was almost a microcosm of what the country was experiencing at this point. Of course, divided over the issue of slavery in the civil war. The northern portion of the Loudoun Valley was predominantly populated by quakers and german populations that were usually favorable towards the Union Soldiers. You will see here a sketch of Ambrose Brynn side on horseback. You will see Union Soldiers cheering him on, but many civilians as well. However, the loudoun rally had remained relatively unscathed despite its sort of divided loyalties. However, there had been some instances of and we use the term so much that its almost a cliche, a brother against brother, but in Loudoun Valley that was actually the case. It was happening. Another newspaper correspondent said this. He said in that section of the country, the war has been conducted with a virulence and bitterness that you have the north can scarcely conceive. Literally setting brother against brother and father against son, destroying all domestic ties and natural feeling. This would really be the first time during the American Civil War that the loud in valley Loudoun Valley which really experienced the horrors of war. Though the horrors of war for civilians did not just come when the two armies met on a battlefield, but as will be the case here, especially for the union army in the Loudoun Valley, their orders are going to be changing a little bit. Ive talked a little bit about the emancipation proclamation and how that is going to bring about a change in the course of the Union War Effort and in the course of the war. But now the hard hand of war is starting to be felt in union armys are starting to apply it to confederate territory that they invade. This is a picture from one of my favorite books. Its a sketch. Its written by a veteran, a sort of fictional account, but based on his actions during the course of the civil war. Its a great illustration of even though when the army of the potomac was moving into the Loudoun Valley, they were under strict orders to not damage civilian property. Not all soldiers follow those orders. George mcclellan thought a much softer hand should be used to deal with the confederate populations. Some Union Soldiers thought they would take matters into their own hands and show the southern population just one war really was. No matter which side of the spectrum the soldier came on, simple life instincts take hold. We have to keep themselves warm. We are getting into the fall of 1862 and its beginning to get cold. It is rainy. At night, its in fact so cold that during many nights of the campaign, the water would freeze inside of the union and confederate canteens. One of the best ways to get to keep yourself warm is to build a fire. Because the orders were relatively limited about when Union Soldiers could due to confederate property, the orders were to each column of troops, that when tearing down to france for use as firewood, they could only take the top rail of that fence. Heres what you see being done. Simply taking the top rail of that fence. That is fine because they have built their fires and move on. Then, of course, as ive talked about, theres five union army court moving through the Loudoun Valley. Once one court comes out of the area, the second core comes in. The order is to take the top rail. So they take what is close to be the top rail. Eventually, the Loudoun Valley is going to be essentially wiped clean. Union soldiers were taking plenty of provisions from the local population as they possibly could. Getting into the military movements of the campaign itself, it wont be until several days into the action when the two armies really begin to engage. That wont start until october the 31st. Halloween, five days already into the campaign itself. Just a quick recap, you can see the darker was there on the map. Of course, they symbolize the army of the potomac infantry. As i mentioned, George Mcclellan plan to move five court directly south through the valley and two additional core along the Alexandria Railroad to meet up with the army of the potomac somewhere. Mcclellan will be getting reinforcements during the course of the campaign. He will embark with about 100,000 men or so. So both armies have certainly been rebuilt from the losses that they suffered during the summer of 1862. Mcclellan will be cutting himself off basically from his supply lines. The armies will be marching with ten days worth of reactions. The idea is they have to move through the Loudoun Valley quicken up before the rations expire. Their goal is to reach the Manassas Railroad gap. For the Confederate Army, they are going to react a little bit slower. As i mentioned, the First Crossing of Union Soldiers across the Potomac River is on october 26th. Lee will not react until two days later on october 28th once he realizes that this is in fact a Serious Movement and not just a diversion on the part of George Mcclellan. Whats really will begin to do is he will march half of his army. It First Quarter will quickly march through the Shenandoah Valley and cross the blue Ridge Mountains and take a position behind the river. Thats meant to be a blocking position. Everybody is fighting for the interior alliance. Lincoln wants mcclellan to get their first. Robert lee wants to deprive him of that opportunity. Longstreet is going to begin to move. While he is marching and those actions are going on in the Loudoun Valley, Stonewall Jackson will be left in the Shenandoah Valley to serve as a menace to George Mcclellans right flank. If jackson sees an opportunity, hes told to strike at the right flank of the army of the potomac as its maneuvering. Jackson wont leave the Shenandoah Valley until this campaign is over. He will remain there for quite some time before eventually marching onto fredericksburg and joining the Confederate Army there. The first actions to take place will be on october 31st. That is between a cavalry regrade brigade. Will only have 1000 horses because of the horses that he killed during his raid. For both confederate armies, there is a disease running through the horse about armies. Neither cavalry will be quite up to snuff at this point in the campaign. Lee will dispatch stewart into the Loudoun Valley with the intention of serving as a speed bump and slowing down the army of the potomac meng enough to take a blocking position outside of the courthouse. On october 31st, stewarts cavalrymen will stumble upon the deaths of the first rhode island cavalry in the area of mount ville. On the map there, its between the towns of filament and all the. The first rhode island cavalry is going to be routed. They fall back. One man wounded in 52 men captured. So he will take his brigade out of the picture entirely. What he writes in the next day is that he will be doing so from a hotel in washington d. C. Cavalry from the east wont be much aid to alfred pleasant cavalry as they move south through the valley. The next day, fighting is going to erupt between both sides at the amount. This will usher in what is referred to as the battle of unison. Typically referred to or being thought in november. It is the major landmark in the town today. A quick funny side story showing how the Loudoun Valley shows as a microcosm. Unison was founded as union, not unison. But in 1829, the citizens changed it to unison. However, the official name of the voting district in that section of Loudoun County was still referred to as the union voting district. On may 23rd, 1861, when virginians went to the polls and determine if they wanted their state to secede from the union or not, the union voting district actually voted 152 to zero in favor of dissolving the union. Nonetheless, november 2nd of 1862 was a sunday and there at the unison Unison Methodist Church, the surrounding farmers and citizens had gathered at the church to begin their services. Suddenly, the first thing that they heard that made them realize today might not just be any normal sunday it was the tune taken up by a ban listening to a mockingbird that citizens cut coming up on the wind from the union advance. Suddenly, several guns rolled up into the field on the other side of the road from the church and began to open fire. The two sides traded artillery shots at about 1000 yards. Someone talked about with the finding was like in unison. He said the retreat three union was admirably covered with artillery and was executed with great steadiness and order under a perfect hail of shot and shell. Which, crashing through the houses of the little village, had already set on fire several stables and strong rates. The furious flames leaping from one to another of these great masses of combustible material, and the dense volumes of smoke and that rolled from them, added to the terror and confusion of the scene which now became truly frightful. Again, the citizens of the Loudoun Valley were for the first time truly feeling the effects of war. What stewart was trying to do in the loud in valley Loudoun Valley, hes not fighting for space and battlefield victory, hes simply trying to slow the Union Advances botch as he possibly can and keep the gaps open in the blue rich mounted so that accord can maneuver through them. Once stewart feels plenty of pressure from alfred pleasant in, who also gets help from a Union Infantry brigade under william huffman, stewart will fall back from unison. He falls back to high ground just southwest of the town at the old quaker meeting house. This is where john pelley will have one of his final days. He will do what he is known is doing. He takes an artillery piece beyond the you left flank. You can see the arrow in the map showing the fighting at the quaker meeting has. The first shot he fires fills the seventh indiana infantry. Once the union gains the range of his ground, he will fall back to advantages ground and continue playing a game of leapfrog with the federal artillery sets. What he has done at fredericksburg is where is reputation is created, but this is perhaps a greater day for him then december 13th of 1862. Ultimately, his heroics wont be enough to stop the union advance. Once stewart starts to feel pressure on his flanks, you will fall back to the next position. All day on november 2nd, stewart will hold a total of six different positions. By the evening of november 2nd, stewart has been pushed back to the outskirts. The town sits a few miles east of ash bees gap where theres Union Infantry under the command of john walker. Stewart was trying to keep the unionized lying to the presence of confederate infantry in the valley and to also keep the Mountain Pass open. Some very intense finding will be had on november the 3rd outside of upper ville. You can see there will be union attacks on three different fronts. Stewart cavalrymen are protecting the three Road Networks leading from the north into a prevail. Ultimately though, it will take a bayonet charge by the members of the 95th new york infantry to drive towards line back to a prevail and then ultimately drive it back all the way back to ash piece cap itself. According to some confederate accounts, its only the efforts of a rifle piece that is positioned and the gap itself that is able to stop the federal pursuit towards them. And reality, that is irrelevant because jeb stewart has decided that the gap no longer needs to be held because the confederate infantry as vacated its positions there. So the gap falls into the hands of the union. Thats the plan of George Mcclellan, keeping possession of these succession of gap in the blue Ridge Mountains as he continues to advance further south. On november 4th and fifth, the action is once again going to continue. This is as northerners are just wrapping up their voting in the midterm elections in 1862 while all this action is going on. Its going to come to play in just a little bit, but the actions will take place closer to the area of the masses gap manassas gap railroad. By november 5th, the army of the potomac will be in possession of that railroad, which again, was the objective point for the army of the potomac so it could reopen, or have a real supply line, rather than just carrying all of its supplies itself. However, by november 3rd, all of this is irrelevant because when Abraham Lincoln had laid out his plans for George Mcclelland and given orders for him to advance across the Potomac River, lincoln had basically made a private promise to himself. That if mcclellan was not able to reach the courthouse before lease army then, he would then relief mcclellan of command. November 3rd, long streets first core of the army of Northern Virginia begins to arrive in coal pepper courthouse. Lincoln receives word of that just a few days later and on november 5th, he is going to draft orders, that will take a couple of days to reach mcclellan, but lincoln will draft orders removing mcclellan from command. We will get more to that in just a second. One of the true highlights, i think, of the Loudoun Valley campaign, and the heroes of that campaign, something that does not get a lot of credit, is the Union Cavalry. Often, we look to later fights in 1863 at hardwood church, kellys ford or even brandy station, as being the moment where the Union Cavalry really starts to be matched toe to toe, or have to have if you will, with the confederate cavalry of the army of Northern Virginia. Throughout all the cavalry actions here, jumps to it is not fighting to secure a battlefield, hes simply fighting to slow down the advance of the federal cavalry. But every single time in the Loudoun Valley, either win a regiment or brigade size of Union Cavalry meets and equivalent member of confederate cavalrymen, the Union Cavalry always have the upper hand. Early in the campaign, following the ride around George Mcclellans army, william blackford, the confederate cavalry men wrote this about the confederate cavalrys viewpoints of the Union Cavalry. He said the prestige of our cavalry was such that the opposition of their cavalry was a very little account by us. He did not think much, and the confederate cavalry did not think much of their union counterparts. However, by the end of this campaign, a correspondent in the philadelphia enquirer would right many persons have decried our cavalry, comparing it as next to nothing alongside of stewards. Since the crossing from berlin up to the president , they have proved themselves fully equal to any cavalry. They have driven stewart in every fight. Even when stewart was fighting to hold on to ground. For example, on november 5th, the federal cavalry would achieve the upper hand. It was in incredibly intense cavalry fight, one that hardly gets any attention, but the federal cavalry is going to be able to show that it can stand toetotoe with its confederate counterparts. This is going to be a dramatic shift for the army of the potomac and its ways of operating. However, ultimately by the time the Union Cavalry has driven its confederate counterparts to the river, the campaign suddenly comes to a screeching halt. Thats because on the night of november 7th, 1862, in the midst of a snowstorm, just as George Mcclellan is in the middle of riding one of his letters to his wife, theres a knock on his tenth poll. One of the men that walked into mcclellans with someone that he recognized as ambrose burn side. The other man was someone who was rumored to have joined the army of the potomac in the midst of the campaign. That was Brigadier General buckingham. After a bit of small talk between the three men, buckingham, a bit uncomfortable, finally got to the crux of why he was there. He handed George Mcclellan orders were leaving him of command of the potomac and placing ambrose print side at its head. Mcclellan supposedly read it with a simple stare, handed it to brynn side and said well, parents, i turn command over to you. However, after a few minutes of consultation, burn side was able to convince him to stay on a few days and help burn side figure out the logistics and whereabouts of all the different pieces of the army of the potomac. So in a couple of days of fanfare outside of washington, George Mcclellan is going to review different elements of the army of the potomac. Some members of the army of the potomac will write that this was a great change. That finally they had rid themselves of mcclellan. A others would write that this was a terrible change and talked openly of actually marching on washington to depose the lincoln administration. But ultimately, mcclellan cold any top of that and he would go on peacefully to his home in trying to new jersey, waiting to be called on for the rest of the war. But of course, never receiving that call. George mcclellans removal can be attributed to several different factors. Firstly, i think that his rift between himself and lincoln had just grown too wide that the commanderinchief could not operate with the most important general in the entire United States army at that point. Secondly, mcclellan was a war democrat. The midterm elections had just wrapped up and so you can argue, and lincoln basically said, that there is no need to have mcclellan to become a Unifying Force in those midterm elections. Democrats did win some seats in those elections, but ultimately the republican still held control of both houses of congress. Most of the state governorships and legislatures as well. No matter what you think of George Mcclellan, this is probably one of the better known stories of the entire American Civil War. Mcclellan being relieved from command. You look in newspapers today and people talk about him all the time. Comparing president s having disputed generals in the field. Even if you go to the wars of iraq and afghanistan, you will see mentions of this in the newspaper. Comparing the past to the present. But its not just relevant for us today, but i think it also symbolizes really one of the last pillars of a conservative soft hand war being fought on the part of the Union War Effort. That pillar now collapses and it falls and so this symbolizes a great change in the Union War Effort. I think its not just that mcclellans removal removal warrants more discussion and study, but the entire loudoun belly campaign does because it places in context one of these seminal. Events of lincolns role as commander in chief during the American Civil War. So i thank you all very much, i hope that you are able to get out and see some of these battlefields. Many of them look almost as they did in 1862. You can still drive a lot of the same roads and see a lot of the same stone walls and buildings that these soldiers saw and passed by. You can go into the Unison Methodist Church and see graffiti left behind by wounded Union Soldiers. I hope now there is a bit, sort of the fog of war has lifted between the interlude of the battle of antietam and the battle of fredericksburg, to show that there were things that were going on at that point in the valley, and it certainly deserves a bit more mentioned than what it has often razor received in civil war historiography. Thank you very much. Weeknights this month, were featuring American History tv programs as a preview of whats available every weekend, on cspan 3. Following more than four years of world war, 51 founding members signed the United Nations charter, in hopes of preventing future wars and promoting global peace and justice. On october 24th, 1945 the un was officially established. We feature five films beginning with the signing of the u. S. Charter. Friday at 8 pm eastern. And enjoy American History tv this week and every weekend, on cspan 3. Next, Historic Site manager Paige Gibbons backus, talked about the state of medical knowledge at the beginning of the civil war. Including surgical practices, and diseases coming to manila soldiers. She also describes advances, later in the wall, such as sterilization in reconstruction surgery that drastically improved a soldiers chances of survival. They stop was part of the symposium on the war in the east, hosted by the emerging civil war block

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