Facts. Both george bush. And Michael Dukakis. Said their selections of a running mate. Would reveal a lot about themselves. And based on the history since world war two. There is almost a fifty fifty chance that one of the two men here tonight. Will become president of the United States. The candidates are. Senator dan quayle the republican nominee. And senatorfor the next ninety minutes will be questioning the candidates following a format designed and agreed to by representatives of the two campaigns. However there are no restrictions on the questions that my colleagues and i may ask deceiving. By prior agreement between the two candidates the first question goes to senator quayle. And you have two minutes to respond. Senator you have been criticized as we all know for your decision to stay out of the vietnam war. Or your poor academic record. But more troubling to some of the comments that have been made by people in your own party just lastly former secretary of state said that your pick was the dumbest call george bush could have made your leader senator bob dole said that a Better Qualified person could have been chosen. Other republicans have been far more critical in private. Why do you think that you have not made a more substantial impression on some of these people who have been able to observe you up. The question goes to whether im qualified to be Vice President. And in the case of a tragedy whether im qualified to be president. Qualifications for the office of Vice President president. Are not age alone. You must look at accomplishments. And you must look at experience. I have more experience than others that have sought the office of Vice President. Lets look at qualifications. And lets look at the three biggest issues that are going to be confronting america. In the next presidency. Those three issues are National Security and arms control. Jobs and education. And the federal budget deficit. On each one of those issues. I have more experience than does the governor of massachusetts. And National Security in arms control. You have to understand the relationship between a ballistic missile. A warhead. What megatonnage is. You better understand about dilemmas and a crapshoot. And you better understand that you have to negotiate from a position of strength. These are important issues because we want to have more arms control and arms reductions in the area of jobs and education. I wrote the Job Training Partnership act a bipartisan bill a bill that is trained and employed over three million economically disadvantaged youth and adults in this country in the area of but a federal budget deficit. I have worked eight years on the Senate Budget committee. And i wish that the congress would give us the line item veto veto. To help deal with that and of qualifications alone. Are going to be the issue in this campaign. George bush has more qualifications than Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen combined. Then again im going to interrupt at this point in and ask once again that the audience please keep your responses. As quiet as possible we know that many of you here are for one candidate or another but youre simply taking time away from your candidate. And more and more likely than not youll be causing the partisan for the other candidates to react again when their candidates speak softly. Senator bentsen. Respond. This debate tonight. Is not about the qualifications for the vice presidency. The debate is whether or not. Dan quayle and lloyd bentsin. Are qualified to be president of the United States. Because judy just as you have said that is happening too often in the past that tragedy should occur. We have to step in there without any margin for error without time for preparation to take over the responsibility for the biggest job in the world that are running in this great country of ours. To take over the awesome responsibility for commanding the Nuclear Weaponry that this country has. Is it a debate about the presidency itself. And a president ial decision that has to be made by you. The stakes could not be higher. Senator bentsen a question for and you also have two minutes to respond. What bothers people is not so much your qualifications but your split on policy. With governor dukakis. He has said that he does not want to clone of himself. But you disagree with him on the major issues. Aid to the nicaraguan contras, the Death Penalty, gun control among others. If you had to step into the presidency. Whose agenda would you pursue. I am delighted to respond to that question because we agree on so many things in the bast majority of the issues. We agree on the fact that we have to cut the steps. And governor dukakis has been able to cut that deficit. Ten budgets or in the state of massachusetts. While he lowered the tax burden on their people from one of the highest to one of the lower in the United States. That is a majors. Sense of achievement. And i admire that and im just delighted to be on the ticket what governor dukakis and i agree that we ought to have a trade policy for this country. That weve seen this administration more than double the national debt. That they move this country from the number one lender nation in the world to the number one that are now used in the world. Under their administration that they have not had a trade policy that they have let trade be handmade for other Foreign Policy objectives of the country. That this country has exported too many jobs and. And as i work. To pass a trade bill through the United States. They throwed through roadblocks on the way. Every step of the way. Bill that has this premise that any country that has full access to our markets where entitled to full access to their markets. Now that means that were going to stand. Top for america. And were going to protect those jobs. And were going to push american products. And were going to open up markets around the world. Well show leadership and that respect and turn this deficit and trade around. Thats the sort of thing that Michael Dukakis and i will do to bring about a better america for all of our people. Senator quail a minute to respond. You know senator benson didnt tell you very much about what governor caucus wants today. One of the things he tried to talk about is that he cut taxes. The fact is though that he has raised taxes. He raised taxes last year, thats why many people have referred to him as tax hike mike. Thats why they referred to massachusetts as the tax date. I dont blame senator benson, for not talking about Michael Dukakis hes talking more about his record and if i had to tell covered the liberal policies of mike dukakis i wouldnt do it either. Senator benson, you have said that wash and the governor the liberal governor would raise taxes. You once voted for and spoke for a six month delay on the cost of living adjustment increases for Social Security. Tell me arent you using this issue politically instead of fixing it. We have a contract with the American People on Social Security, and Social Security is an issue where senator quail, voted eight times to cut the benefits on Social Security. Where this administration came out, and tried to get the benefits the minimum benefits, 122 dollars a month. For retirees. Trying to get the benefits, for 62yearold retirees, by 40 . Try to do and on Social Security. But they promise not to cut it. But they cut it by some 40 billion. And while we were working together and the certain and that money was going to be there when people retired, at that point they tried a 40 Million Dollar and run. But the record is clear, and we saw Vice President bush, fly back in the west coast, to break a tie in the United States senate. They dont get the vote very often in the senate, but he made a special trip to come back and vote against a cost of living increase. So when you talk about Social Security, the people that are going to protect it are the democrats. Theyre the ones that brought forth that program. Its important that we are not seeing these kind of and runs by this administration. When they talk about the fact they are going to cut this budget, i know too well with their track record is. And we should be concerned about that kind of an effort once again after the election is over. Senator quail your response. Senator benson, you know that i did not vote to cut Social Security benefits eight times. What i have voted for, and what senator benson has voted for, is to delay the cost of living adjustment. He voted twice senator bentsen to delay this. And he supported a resolution to delay the cost of living adjustment. John you are right, they use this for political advantage, but what they try to do time and time again, its to scare the old people of this country. That is the politics of the past. In 1983, the republicans and democrats drop their political swords, and in a bipartisan effort, to save the Social Security system. Republicans and democrats banded together, because we know that this program is not a republican program. Its not a democrat program. Its a program for older americans. And that program is sound, to the turn of the century. John a question for senator quail. Senator since coming from the senate, you have voted against Environmental Protection legislation about two thirds of the time. This about pesticide controls, and health and safety protection for nuclear waste. Senator, do you consider yourself an environmentalist . If you do how do you reconcile that with your voting record . To i had a very strong, record on the environment. In the United States senate. I have a record, and i voted for the super fund legislation. Ive a record, where i voted against my president , on the override of the clean water act. I voted for the major pieces of environmental legislation that have come down, and voted on the United States senate. This administration, and i support this administration and its environmental efforts. This has moved in the area for the first time to deal with the ozone problem. We now have an international treaty, a treaty that is commonly referred to as the montreal treaty. For the first time, we are talking about the impact of co2 in the ozone layer. Thats progress for the environment. We are committed, to the environment. I take my children, hiking fishing. Walking in the woods and the wilderness. Believe me, we have a commitment to preserving the environment. You bring up the environment, you cant help but think about the environmental policy of the government governor of massachusetts. He talks about being an environmentalist, but let me tell you about his environmental policy. The boston harbor, the boston harbor, which is the dirtiest waterway in america. Tons of raw sewage go in there each and every day. What has the governor of massachusetts down about that . Virtually nothing. Then he has the audacity, to go down to new jersey until the people that he is against ocean dumping. This is the same governor, that applied for a license to dump massachusetts sewage waste, off the coast of new jersey who has the environmental record . Who has the environmental interest . I do. Senator senator bentsen . Well this late conversion, is new to me. I must say. When i talk about boston harbour and he says he hasnt done anything, the fact is he has a six billion Dollar Program underway, on waste street. And it was dissent ministration, their administration, that have cut out the money early on, to be able to clean up water, and made it impossible to move ahead on that boston harbour. We are the authors, clean water of the supermarket . I am one, with a major role in passing this legislation. And every environmental urbanization that, i know has now endorsed senator bentsen take it. And im one that has just received the environmental award in texas, for the work ive done to clean up the base and the water off the coast of texas. Now, i think we know well who can help clean up this environmental record, the history is there. And dukakis will be committed to that. Question for senator quayle the. Thank you judy. Theres been a lot of questions in this campaign about family, if i recall from your except in speech, in your lines. And i would like to ask you about the 65 million American Children who lived with their families in poverty. Id like for you to describe the audience the last time you may have visited one of those families, personally, and how do you explain to the family year votes against the School Breakfast program, the school lunch program, in the expansion of the Child Immunization Program . I have met with those people. And i met with them in indiana at a food bank. You may be surprised john, they didnt ask me those questions on those votes. Because they were glad that i took time, out of my schedule to go down and talk about how were going to get a food bank going, making sure that our food bank goes to indiana. And i have a very good record and commitment to the poor, those that dont have the family, want to have a family. This administration and George Bush Administration will be committed to eradicating poverty, poverty hasnt done up in this administration. It hasnt gone down, much either. And that means we have a challenge ahead of us. But i will tell you something, but we have done, for the poor. What we have done for the poor is that we in fact get the homeless bill. That mckinney, activism major piece of legislation, deals with the homeless. In congress theyve cut the finding of the administration recommend it. The poor and the poverty, the biggest thing we have done for poverty in america is to tax simplification act, 1986. 6 million working poor families got off the payroll. 6 Million People are off the taxpaying payrolls because of that tax reform. And they are keeping the tax money there. The help deplore we will have a commitment to the programs, and those programs will go on. And we are spending more in Poverty Programs today, than we were in 1981. That is a fact. The Poverty Program were going to concentrate on is to create jobs and opportunities, so everybody will have the opportunities that they want. Senator bentsen your response . I find that very interesting. Because he has been of no help at all when it comes to passing the most major welfare reform bill, in the history of our country. One where were working very hard to see that people can get off welfare, break that cycle, take a step up in life. Doing the kinds of things that we did there, to let them have medicaid for a year. Its a positive thing thats being done. But also, frustrates me with the kind of report i just heard here, its a kind of votes that hes cast against child nutrition programs. The fact that he is voted against money that we needed for further immunization. The denial of polio shots to kids where the parents couldnt afford to get that kind of shot. No i dont really believe that hes identifying with the concerns of people in poverty. Tom, a question for senator bentsen. Senator bentsen i like to take it back to the question i judy asked you about michael did caucus. Its one of the cutting issues of Foreign Policy in the last eight years, you and michael seem to be opposing in that i have been told in a close session with u. S. Senate, you were one of the most eloquent states like speeches on behalf that everyone had made in the eight years of the reagan term. That in fact, you alluded to the threat that assent an easter regime good oppose the state of texas. Governor dukakis has described it as immoral and illegal. Is he wrong . Governor dukakis and i have disagreed on this program, no question about that. But my big difference with this administration is they look at the contract program, and its the only way to resolve that problem. They concentrate on that. And i really think we have to get give this a chance. And thats why i have been such a strong support of this plan. A blend that wanted a noble prize for president of costa rica. I believe you have to work with the leaders of other Central American countries, to try to bring about the democratization of nicaragua. By negotiation, by pressure, by counseling, by diplomatic pressure. We ought to be trying that first. That in concentrating so much just on the disintegration has not paid enough attention to the rest of Central America. The concern i have is that we have a country with 85 Million People showing a 2000 mile border with us, with half of those people under the age of 15. A country that set a standard of living cut 50 , in the last six years. Now, we ought to be concerned about that, and we ought to be involved. I was born and reared on that mexican board. I speak their language. I spent a good part of my life down there. Some governar dukakis speaks spanish to. He spent a good deal of time in central in south america. And we believe, that we ought to be working together with a new alliance, bringing other countries to help. Bringing the europeans, the spanish, who have a real affinity for that area. Bringing in the japanese, who have a great capital circus down in looking for places to invested. Those are the kind of things we can do. To bring about peace in that area, to help raise that standard of living, and give them the kind of stability where democracy can proceed, and can prosper and bloom. Those are the kinds of things that wed be committed to, in a administration, to try to make this world a better place in which to live. Senator quayle your response . There is no doubt in the dukakis eye ministration on aid would be cut off to the resistance nicaraguan. That is in fortunate. The reason why that is unfortunate is that its beyond me, why its okay for the soviet union to put in billions of dollars to prompt up the communist sands in east as, but somehow its wrong for the United States to give a few dollars to the democratic resistance. Theres a thing called him on row doctrine, something the governor of massachusetts had set is superseded. And had the agreement americans agreed with that i think they would have liked that doctrine. Senator benson talked about Central America where governor governar dukakis talked about in thats grenade a. He criticized our rescue mission in grenada. According to upi reporter he criticize that yet 85 of American People supported our rescue mission, and return to communist countries into non commuters countries. The governor of massachusetts is simply out of step for mainstream america. Brit hume a question for senator bentsen. Good evening senator bentsen and senator quayle. On the cleanup in this order and ive been tried to clean what is left on base. I have a followup question for you senator quayle, but senator bentsen i first when asked question about packed money. Im sure youre prepared to talk about. Governor dukakis has tried to make it a major issue in this campaign, and he has you as a running mate and a man who leads the league at last count in the receipt of pack money, that being the money raised by these special organizations. That is a kind of Campaign Financing which governar dukakis finds so distasteful that he has refused to accept any of it. Do you find that embarrassing . No i dont find it embarrassing at all. Because you have to remember that pack money gives the result of last Campaign Reform bill. One that tax about employees having greater participation. And what ive done, in pike money is what my opponents in campaign has done in his campaign. He has hes been raising packed money to. What you have to do is comply with the laws as they are. Whether youre paying taxes, or your playing a football game, whether you like those laws or not, you comply to them. Now, i have been for Campaign Reform and pushed it very hard, i believe that we have to do some things in that regard. But i have noticed that the senator of indiana has opposed death Campaign Reform, and voted repeatedly against it. The things we have to do, i believe, that will cut back on soft money, for example. Which i look all this, frankly, one of the things weve had to do, because the republicans have done it for so long. But i think its a loophole, frankly. But Campaign Reform, changing the rules at the game, theres something we tried repeatedly in this session of the congress. But only to have the republicans leading the charge against us, and to feed us. And i wish that senator quayle would change his mind on that particular piece of legislation and give us a kind of Campaign Reform law that i think is needed in america. When senator quayle your response. Senator bentsen is the number one pack razor. As a matter of fact, he used to have a 10,000 Dollar Breakfast Club. 10,000 Dollar Breakfast Club it only caused high paid law interest lobbying to have breakfast with the chairman of the Senate Finance committee. The one that oversees all the tax loopholes, and the tax code. 10,000 dollars. Im sure they werent paying tank have cornflakes. What ill tell you the kind of Campaign Reform im supporting senator bentsen, i think its time we get rid of back money. Support our legislation where we totally illuminate contributions by special interest and Political Action committees. And lets have the individual contributor, and the Political Parties contribute. Thats the kind of Campaign Reform the republicans are for. They want to get rid of this special interest money. And rely on the individuals, and also, the Political Parties. Bright your question for senator quayle. Once again let me quiet the audience, please keep your reactions as quiet as possible. I want to take you back, if i can, to the question judy asked you about some of the apprehensions people might feel about you being a heartbeat away from the presidency. And let us assume, if we can, for the sake of this question, then you become Vice President , and the president is incapacitated it for one reason or another, and you have to take the reins of power. When that moment came, why would be the first steps that you take and why . First id say a prayer. For myself, for the country that im about to lead. And then i would assemble his people on top, and i think this question keeps going back to qualifications, and what kind of a Vice President , and in this hypothetical situation, if i had to assume responsibilities of the president , what i would be. And as i have said, age alone, although i can tell you, after the experience of these last few weeks in the campaign, ive added ten years of age. Age alone, is not the only qualification. Youve got to look at experience. And youve got to look at accomplishments. And can you make a difference, have i made a difference in the United States senate, where ive served for eight years . Yes i have. How they made a difference in the congress that ive served for 12 years . , yes i have. As i said before, looking at the issue of qualifications, and i am delighted that comes up, because on the three most important challenges facing america, arms control and National Security, jobs and education, and budget deficit, i have more experience and accomplishments then does the governor of massachusetts. I have been in the congress, and ive worked on these issues. And believe me, when you look at arms control and trying to deal with the soviet union, you cannot come at it from a naive position. You have to understand the soviet union. You have to understand how they will respond. Sitting on that Senate Armed Service committee for eight years is giving me the experience to deal with the soviet union, and how we can move forward. That is just one, of the troubling issues thats gonna be facing this nation. And im prepared. Senator bentsen . Well i cant leave something on the table that he is charging me with, so lets get to that one. When you talk about the breakfast club, did you know that was perfectly legal . And i formed it, and i closed it down, almost immediately, because i thought their perception was bad. But its the same law its the same law, not like you invite high priced lobbyists down to williamsburg. Bring them down their, and entertain them playing golf, playing tennis. Bring in republican senators down there, to have exchange for that contributions to their campaign. Its the same kind of law that lets you have honorariums. And you collect it over a quarter of 1 Million Dollars in honorarium. Speaking to various groups. And theres no control for what you do with that fun, you could spend it on anything you want to. You could spend it on the golf club, if you wanted to do it on that. No when i say you do in this administration, and thats why we need Campaign Reform laws, and why i support them. And you, interned, have voted against them time and time again. Question for senator quail. In recent years the Reagan Administration has scaled back the activities of the Occupational Safety and health administration. Prompted in part by Vice President bushs task force on regulatory relief. The budget for the agency has been cut by twenty percent. And the number of inspections in manufacturing plants. Has been reduced by thirty three percent. This is had a special effect in this area are many people work in the meatpacking industry. And it appears that has been rising, but im not sure many of the companies have been falsifying the reports. Would you acknowledge, to the hundreds of injured people in the brusque a and iowa and other places, and in this case how deregulation may have gone too far, and how governments should uncertain self on protecting workers rights. The premise of your question, is that somehow this administration has been lax enforcement of those regulations. And i disagree with that. I will tell you why. If you want to ask some businesspeople, that i talked to periodically, and that they complain about tough enforcement of this in ministration, and furthermore let me tell you this for the record, when we have found violations in this administration, there has not only been tough enforcement, but there have been the most severe penalties and the largest penalties in the history for of the department of labor, and they have been levied when these violations have been found. There is a commitment, and there will always be a commitment, to the safety of our working men and women. They deserve it, and we are committed to them. Now the broader question goes to the whole issue of deregulation and has deregulation worked or has deregulation not worked. In my judgment deregulation has worked, we have a deregulated economy and we have produced through low taxes, and high taxes through deregulation, the spirit of entrepreneurship. The individual going out and starting a business. The businessman or woman willing to go out and risk investment to start a business in hire people. We have produced 17 million jobs in this country since 1982. Deregulation, as a form of political philosophy, is a good philosophy. It is one that our opponents disagree with. They want to centralize the government, but we do believe in the market. We believe in the people and yes there, is a roll income of government and role of government to make sure that those safety and the health and welfare people, are taking care of. And we will continue to do that. Senator benson, i think you see once again a piece of democratic legislation thats been passed to try to help the men and women of america the working people of america. And then you see where they didnt have their heart in that kind of enforcement. Like a good example of that is the Environmental Protection laws that we are talking about one to go. This Administration Administration came in and you know basically has the bonnie and clyde of Environmental Protection. And you have people, that believe the truly believe and tried to represent the working men lamented women of command of america. Employers do good job of that, but some of them put their profits before people. Thats why you have to have the oh show and thats what you have to have tough and good and enforcement of that. And thats what a democratic and what administration would do. Senator benson, since you have been in the government the government has spent increasing amount of money to protect the family farmer. Most of these farms most of these subsidies, seem to go to the largest and richest farmers who need the least. Wildes the smaller farmers who are often forced to sell out and sometimes to their larger farmer neighbor whos got more subsidies to begin with. Like do you believe its time to uncouple the subsidy formula from the amount of land farmer has and target federal money to small and medium sized farm. Well i supported that to get away from the Million Dollar contributions to farmers, and of the four there on this ticket im the only one who was born and reared on a farm. And im still involved in farming, so i think i understand their concerns in their problems. And i feel very strongly, that we ought to be doing more for the American Farmer. But what weve seen under this administration, isnt neglect of that farmers. Weve seen them drive 220,000 farmers off the farm. And they seem to think the answer is moved into town. But we ought not to be doing that. What you have seen them do is cut farm assistance for the rural areas by over 50 . We are seeing rural hospitals close all over the country, because of this kind of administration. We have seen an administration, that is lost much of our market abroad, because they have not have a trade policy. We saw our market lost by some 40 , and thats one of the reasons that weve seen the cost of the farm program, which was only about two and a half billion dollars, and when they took office. Now it goes to about 25 billion dollars. Now we can bring that kind of a cost down, and getting more to market prices, if we have a good trade policy. I was in january, visiting with the new Prime Minister of japan. I said you are paying five times as much relief as we pay for our country. Six times as much for rice, you have a 60 billion dollar trade surplus with us, you can improve the standard of living of your people and youre spending 27 of your disposable income on food, and we spend 14 or 15 . When you have that kind of a barrier, up against us thats not for each and fair trade and we do not believe that should continue, we will be pushing very hard to open up those markets, and you stand up for the American Farmer, and see that we recapture those were foreign markets and i think we can do it with a Dukakis Bentsen administration. Senator quail. Senator bentsen talks about capturing foreign markets, and one way to capture the foreign market is the fact that we have another jimmy carter grain embargo. Thank jimmy carter, grain embargo, that set the American Farmer back. The note the farmers are interested, in that farming come. Every 1 of increase in Interest Rates is a billion dollars out of farmers pockets. Another thing that the farmers not interested in, is the democratic platform what they talk about, and the governor of massachusetts he has a farm program. He went to the farmers in the midwest and told him not to grow corn, not to go soybeans, but to grow belgium and dives. Thats what he and his harbor harvard buddies thinks, of the American Farmer. To come in and tell our farmers, not to grow corn, not to grow soybeans, but thats the kind of Foreign Policy you will get under a dukakis administration. And when i think the American Farmer will rightfully reject. Tom brokaw, a question for senator bentsen roy. Let me offer you an inventory if i may, lower Interest Rates and lower unemployment, and lower inflation and arms control deal with the soviet union, now two guys come through your door agribusiness and say wed like you to change, without offering a lot of specifics. Why would you accept their deal . You know, if you let me write 200 billion dollars of hot checks every year, i could give you an illusion of prosperity to look. This is an administration, that is more than doubled the national debt. They have done that, in less than eight years, they have taken this country from the number one lender nation in the world, to the number one death our nation in this world. And the interest on that debt next year thats a dipped or nation, and that is going to be 640 dollars for every man woman and child in america. Because of this kind of credit card mentality. So we go out and we tried to sell our securities every week, and hope that the foreigners will buy them. And when they do buy them, but every time that they do, we lose some of our economic independence for the future look now theyve turned around and theyve bought ten percent of the Manufacturing Base of this country. They bought twenty percent of the banks. Their own forty six percent of the commercial real estate in los angeles. Theyre buying america on the cheap. Now when we have other countries that cant manage their economy down in central and south america. We send down the american ambassador. We send on the International Monetary fund. And we tell them what they can buy. And what they can sell and how to run their economy is the ultimate irony. Would be to have that happen to us because foreigners finally quit buying our securities. So what we need in this country is someone like mike dukakis. Who gave ten balanced budgets in a row there and was able to do that. Meet that kind of a commitment shut those tough priorities. We need an administration that will turn this trade policy around and open up those markets. Stand. Tough with our trading partners to help keep their jobs at home and send the products abroad. Well senator bentsen talks about running up the debt. For the governor of massachusetts has run up more debt than all the governors in the history of massachusetts combined. On that to the days of the pilgrims. I dont believe that thats the kind of policy that we want. The question went to the heart of the matter. Tom. You asked the question that why would we change. Well we have changed since 1980 weve got Interest Rates down. Weve got inflation down. People are working again. America is held in respect once again around the world. But were going to build on that change. And as we made those positive change of lower Interest Rates low rate of inflation. The governor of massachusetts fought us every step of the way. We are proud of the record of accomplishment and opportunities and the hope for millions of americans. Hope and opportunity. Of these americans. Is because of the policies that weve had for the last eight years. And we to want build on that and change it for even better. Tom a question for senator quayle and their call cedric well as you mentioned here tonight im you actually supported the invasion of grenada which was a military operation to rescue some american medical students and to rescue an island from marxist takeover. They if military force was necessary. In that endeavor. Why not use the military to go after the south American Drug cartels and after general noriega or for that matter in a surgical strike. Sense drugs in the minds of most americans oppose a far greater danger to many more people. If youre absolutely right. Yeah absolutely right the drug problem is the number one issue. But would you believe as well you know the aspect of it i will address the military aspect. I may respond. The military aspect of the drug problem is being addressed as a matter of fact we are using the department of defense and a coordinated effort on reconnaissance. But i dont believe that were going to turn the department of defense. Into a police organization. We are using our military assets in a prudent way to deal with interdiction. And weve made some success in this area. Seventy tons of cocaine has been stopped. But you know when you look at the the drug problem and it is a tremendous problem and there are no easy solutions to. Its a complicated problem. And its heading up the effort to try to create a drug free america which is a challenge and a goal of all of us. Not only will we utilize National Defense and firemen. Weve got to get on the demand side of the ledger. Weve got to get education and education are to begin at home. Theres another thing that will be more important than the premise of this question, we will use the military assets, but we need to focus on another part of this problem. And that problem is law enforcement. Here, is where we have major different green disagreement with the governor of massachusetts. He is opposed to the Death Penalty, of drug king pins. We believe that people convicted of that crime, deserves the Death Penalty at as does the legislation thats in the congress that is supported by bipartisan including Many Democrats of his party. He also was opposed to mandatory drug sentencing for drug dealers in the state of massachusetts. You cannot have a war on drugs you cannot be tough on drugs and weak on crime. Senator bentsen. Its interesting to see that the senator from indiana when we had a resolution on the floor of the United States senate. Sponsored by senator dole. That this government would make no deal. But noriega about the senator from indiana i was one of the dozen senators that voted against it. Its also interesting to see. One of his Campaign Managers that trying to help them with his image was also hired by noriega tell him what his image and in panama. So we put one person in charge of the war against drugs, and we commit the resource to get that job done. Mike dukakis has been able to do that kind of thing in the state of massachusetts. By putting in a drug Educational Program that the Drug Enforcement agency said it was a model for the country wed be doing that around the rest of the country, thats a pause to protect against drugs. Brit hume question for senator quayle. Senator i want to take you back to the question i ask you earlier, in what would happen if the emergency came for you to be number first. You said a prayer, and then something about a meeting. What would you do next . [laughs] i dont believe that its proper for me to get into the specifics. Of the hypothetical situation like that. The situation is that if i was called upon to serve as the president of this country, for the responsibilities of the president of this country, would i be capable and qualified to do that . And ive tried to list the qualifications of 12 years in the United States congress. I have served in the congress for 12 years. I have served in the congress eight years on the arms service committee. Ive traveled a number of times, ive been to geneva many times to meet with our negotiators as we were hammering out a treaty. I met with the western political leaders, margaret thatcher, i know them, they know me. I know what it takes to lead this country forward, and if that situation arises, yes, i will be prepared. And ill be prepared to lead this country. If that happens. Senator bentsen. Once again, i think what you are looking at, here, is someone like and step in at the presidency level, at the moment. If that tragedy would occur, and if thats a case, again, you have to look at the majority. And you have to look at the breath of experience. You have to see what kind of leadership role that person has played in their life before that crisis struck. And if you do that type of thing, then you will arrive at a judgment that i think would be a wise one, and i hope that would mean that you would say were gonna vote for Michael Dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen. Question for senator bentsen. Senate i wanted to get back to this breakfast, when was first revealed that you had a plan to have people pay 10,000 dollars to have breakfast with you handled it with disarming, not to say charming candor. You said it was a mistake, and you disbanded, it and called the whole idea off. And you are widely praised for having it handled it like that. The question i have is, if it should be imposed at the story didnt break, in the media hadnt picked up on it, what can you tell us tonight as to why we should not believe that you would still be having those breakfast to this day . [laughs] well i must say, dont make any mistakes, but that was a real doozy, i agree with that. As you know, i immediately disbanded late, it was perfectly legal. And you have all kinds of such clubs on the hill, and you know that. And i still believe, that the better way to go, is to have a Campaign Reform law. Even though its legal for the perception, so i would push very strongly to see if you reform the entire situation. Ive worked for that, and thats what my friend from indiana has opposed, repeatedly, vote after vote. Senator quayle . He dismantled the club, but he sold at the money. He is the number one receiver of Political Action committee money. Senator bentsen talked about reform, let me tell you about the reform or pushing. Lets eliminate Political Action committee, with special interest in line. There is legislation for the congress to do that, that way we wont have to do that and we wont have to worry about whos a number one pack laser, or contributions from working men and women and individual in america. We can also strengthen our two party system, it needs strengthening. You need to rely more in the Political Parties that we had in the past. Thats the kind of Campaign Reform that im for, and i hope the senator will join. Jon margolis a question for senator bentsen. Senator, most americans have just finished one of the hottest summers we can remember, and apparently this year will be the fifth out of the last nine on one of the highest on record. No one knows, but most scientists think that something we are doing, human beings are doing, are exacerbating this problem in this good in a couple of generations threaten our descendants comfort, and health, and perhaps even their existence. As Vice President , what would you urge our government to do to deal with this problem . And specifically, as a texan, can you support a substantial reduction in the use of fossil fuels, which might be and it is very down the road . Well i think what you can do in that line, and what would be very helpful, is to use a lot more national gas. Which is a lot cleaner. And what Michael Dukakis has said is that he will try to break down from this regulatory roadblocks that you have in the Regulatory Agency that denies much of the capacity for that natural gas to the northeast. In turn, you can fight against acid rain, which is another threat. Because its sterilizing our lakes, killing our fish, and its interesting to me, to see, and to resonate with senator quayle, that he brags on the fact that hes been able to fight the legislation. I dont think thats the proper objective in trying to clean up this environment. But the greenhouse effect is one that has to be a threat to all of us. And we have to look for alternatives and ive supported that very strongly. In the department of energy, its one that has cut back substantially on the study of those alternative sources of fuel. We can use other things that will help to farmers. We can convert corn to snl. And i would push for that, very strongly. So absolutely, i will do those things that are necessary, to put the environment of our country number one. Because if we dont protect that, we will destroy the future of our children. And we must be committed, that youre trying to clean up the water, clean up the air. And do everything we can, not only from a research standpoint, but also, in the applied legislation, well see that that is carried out. Senator quayle . Mice president george bush have said that he will take on the environmental problem. He said further, he will deal with the acid rain legislation and reduce millions of tons. A legislation wont get through the congress this year, but it will get through in a George Bush Administration. A George Bush Administration that is committed to the environment. And the greenhouse effect is an important environmental issue. Its important for us to get the data in, to see what alternatives we might have to fossil fuels, and make sure that we are we know what were doing. And there are some explorations and things we can consider in this area. The drop highlight into the problem that we have. And therefore, we need to get on with it. And in the George Bush Administration, you can bet that we will. John, a question for senator quayle. Senator as Vice President you are the most important for the president. One of the most troubling facts, that faces the new administration. Is the fact the United States has now become the Worlds Largest dipped or nation. In 1987, foreigners under road us at about eight billion dollars. Last week at the japanese planning agency. They say that japan is now in a position to influence our dollar. And even our stock prices, and he warned that one day they will do just that. If you are Vice President of the United States, and depended that what would you tell the president to do . When you look at dealing with this total problem and is not just with the deaf japanese but the underlying question on this of this world debt problem. You have got to see, what are we a debtor and what is attracting Foreign Investment into our country today. Whether it is the japanese or others. I would rather have people come over here, and make investments in this country, rather than going elsewhere but because by coming over here, and making investments in this country we are seeing jobs. Do you realize that today we are producing hondas, and exporting hondas to japan we are the envy of the world. The United States, well some of senator bentsen supporters lofted that. And they do not believe that the United States is the envy of the world. But the American People, think that the United States of america is the envy of the world. Senators. Im sorry. We are, the greatest nation in this world, and the greatest economic power, and theres been some talk in congress, about forgiveness. The forgiveness of debt. Forgiveness of debt is wrong. Forgiveness of international debt, could be counterproductive. Id like to see those that talk about forgiving debt, rather than talk about the farmer thats in debt,. Thats not the kind of policies that george bush will have. Senator bentsen. Well i told you what i would do about trade, and try to turn that situation around, but we should do is get them to give us more sharing when it comes to National Defense. We have a situation today where in western europe, people in our spending about one third as much as we are in our country. And then when you go to japan, where we are spending six and a half percent on the fence of the democracies, they are spending. I spoke to the Japanese Business leaders about, this and we said we had 50,000 trips troops here in japan, protecting the democracy of asia. And it cost three and a half billion dollars a year for the number two economic power in the world. And we said you would have chaos if you can do this, because you get oil from persian gulf. And you would have u. S. Navy down there to take care of. That and the senator from indiana, when he passed past when we talk about burden sharing on that cost, and he voted against that. I do not understand that. Tom brokaw, a question for senator quail. Im going to beat this drama to it has no more sounded it, but when you said it was a hype got hypothetical situation, it is the reason that we are here tonight. Because you are running for Vice President. And if you cite the experience that you have in congress, surely must have some plant in mind what we what you would do if it fell to you if to become the vice front become the president of the United States as it has happened before many years ago. I think its the fourth time ive had this question, three times ok ive had this question, and i will try to answer it again for you. As quickly as i can. The question you are asking is what kind of qualifications, does dan quail have to be president , and what kind of qualifications do i have and what would i do, in this kind of a situation. And what i do in the situation, well i would make sure, that the people in the cabinet, and the people that are advisers to the president , are i would talk with them and work with them. And i would know them on a firsthand basis. Because the Vice President , i will sit on the National Security council. And i will know im on a firsthand basis, because i will be coordinating the drug effort. And i will know them because Vice President george bush, will. I will be in charge of. That i will have daytoday activities with all the people in government. Then, if that unfortunate situation happens and if that situation happens which would be tragic i will be prepared to carry out the responsibility of the presidency of United States of america. I will be prepared to do that and i will be prepared not only because of my service in congress but because of my ability to communicate and to lead. It is not just age, its accomplishments and its appear aches experience. I have far more experience, than many others that saw the office of Vice President and this country. I have as much experience in congress, as jack kennedy did when he sought the presidency. I will be prepared, to deal with the people in the bush administration. If that unfortunate event would ever occur. Senator bentsen. Senator i served jack hannity, and i knew jack kennedy and jack kennedy was a friend of mine senator, you are no jack kennedy. [applause] [inaudible] please, once again. [inaudible] you only take times when its your candidate. That was really uncalled for, senator. You are the one that was making the comparison, senator. And im one who knew him well. And frankly, i think you are so far part of the objective you choose for your country, but i did not think the comparison was well taken. Next question for senator bentsen. Since you seem to be taking hostage in the stage, let me ask a question. About the american hostages still in brutal captivity in the middle east. And the events you have been critical of the iran affair, but tell me, was it governar dukakis have any realistic plan for the americans that are being in health in the middle east released anytime . One of the toughest problems that any chief executive will face, because you cant help but have sympathy for the families. And for those hostages themselves. But the one thing we ought to know by now, is that you cant go out and make secretly or deals. You cant trade arms for hostages when you try to do that there is no questions but what you encourage more taking of hostages, and that has been the result. By this idea that was cooked up in the white house basement. And i want to tell you that george bush attending 17 of those meetings, and having no record of what he said, if Lloyd Bentsen was in those meetings you would certainly hear from, in no one would be asking where is lloyd . Because i would be making, i would be saying thats a dumb idea. And i would put an end to it. And i would speak up to that kind of thing. So you can do on that is to continue to push, use every bit of diplomatic pressure you can, when you can do in the way of economic pressure in addition to that. And thats what you would strive to do to have a successful release finally of those hostages. But not to encourage more taking of hostages. Senator quayle . Theres no doubt about it that arms and hostages is wrong, and it will never be repeated, we learn by mistakes. But there have been a number of successes in Foreign Policy in this administration. But the cushion ghost river difficult one, how do you do it . No one has cancer, if they did what certainly delight. We wont keep trying it, we will keep trying, will keep the doors open, and hopefully someday iran and others who control those hostages will want to return to civilized international community. And they can do that starting now. By releasing those hostages that are held illegally. Brit hume a question for senator bentsen. Senator, much of the dukakis and bentsen campaign has been devoid of the notion that he is ready for the presidency, its something ive said tonight suggests that you think otherwise. I wonder if you think its really fair for you to advance that you in light of the fact that if you run for the presidency, not the vice presidency, in 1976, have not yet completed one full term in the senate, and having previously served three terms in the house, almost a quarter of the century earlier, when in fact your time in washington was equal to what he has now. I think what you have to look at is the record, a man who has served his country, served just country in a war, had it up the squadron income that. A man who built a business, knew what it was to make a payroll, create jobs. And then serve in the United States senate. And one who has been able to bring about some of the kinds of legislations that a high i have been able to bring about while i was serving there. I have say i would be doing a good job running the presidency, and im more aware of that. But what were looking at today is trying to judge, once again, the breath of experience in the maturity that someone taking on this kind of task. Thats the judgment that has to be exercised by the people of america. Its a president ial decision that youre facing. And its a very important one. Because were talking about whos gonna lead this country into its future, and you cannot have a more important responsibility than that. Senator quayle . When you look at qualifications if you look at accomplishments. As well as experience. In one of the accomplishments that im proud to say is the author shape of the job training act. That has trained, educated, employed over 3 million young people and adults who are economically disadvantaged. And we did it in a way that we got the private sector to involve itself in the public sector. On private Industry Councils throughout america. That serve over the Service Delivery areas. We have 51 of that private Industry Council about our business men and women. We have members of unions, we have Community Based organizations, we have education leaders. And what weve been able to do is establish a program thats working. Putting people back to work. That is an accomplishment, and that is an accomplishment that i will take with me into the white house. Break, question for senator quayle. Sir i want to ask a question and maybe its a bit off politics, so we get more into the question a wet sort of person you are, and i hope the senator will to transfer the same question. Can you identify any work of literature or art, or even a film that you have seen or read, or experienced in the last two years that has had a particularly strong effect on you, and tell us why . In the last six months, i think there are three very important books that i read that have had an impact. The three books are won Richard Nixons 1999, richard lugar, senator, letters to the next president , bob massies nicholas in alexandria, which deals with the fall of the russian empire in the coming of leninism in 1917. Those three books, which ive read over the last spring vacation and early summer, had a very definite impact because what former president nixon and senator richard were talking about was their Foreign Policy as we move towards the 21st century. And the historical book of the downfall of this are, in the coming of leninism combining those three books together gave me a better appreciation of the challenges that we have ahead of us. Indian senator lugars book, he talks about the advancement of human rights around the world. He talked about his leadership effort in the philippines. In south africa, where we have now seen human rights in advancement, on the regular agenda. Former president nixon talked about what were gonna do after and arm control. And how were gonna pursue new arms control with the soviet union. He talked a little bit about how we deal with the soviet union, and this is one of the differences between george bush and Michael Dukakis. Because george bush understands the deal of the soviet union to get the progress you must feel for position of strength. And the governor of massachusetts doesnt understand that. I understand it. And of George Bush Administration will pursue that policy. Senator bentsen. Why i think reading pardon, i think reading once a bore, i think that really shows you how we make the same mistakes too often, over and over again. And it seems to me that the senator from indiana is beginning to do that. As they look on our progress that has been made toward disarmament, and cutting back on nuclear weapons, i see what Ronald Reagan has been able to do with the inf treaty. I think he deserves great credit for that. I see a situation where the senator from indiana has now jumped off the reservation, when we talk about building on what Ronald Reagan has done. And it poses what Ronald Reagan was to, do the joint chief of staff, in the secretary of defense. And says lets go slow on doing further disarmament, to try to get to the next treaty. I think thats a mistake. I think that you have to deal with the russians with the strength, and we have to understand, then you have to have a strong modernized nuclear concern. But i think we can make substantial progress, and we ought to take it advantage of. It i think he is right that the very dangerous judgment, in the question of warren piece, it concerns me very much. Because i saw him also try to sabotage the inf when he was on the floor of the United States senate. Thats what he was going to do there, he was listening, once again to the winds of the radical right. Senator jon margolis, question for senator quayle. Senator quayle only go back to the matter of qualifications which i think for mores people is more than just your how long youve been. We cant hear you . Can you hear . Now. Yes i want to go back to the question of qualifications, which i think for most people is more than just how long youve been in the senate, and how long youve been in public life. Theres also question of candor inconsistency. And some of the things you said both here, and earlier, i think have raised some reasonable questions. Each of them alone, i think together they create a pattern that needs to be asked. Youve talked a few times today about the job and the Partnership Act, which you offered. The fact, i believe, you coauthored with another senator, who you almost never name. Earlier in the campaign, you are asked why you got a very desk job in the national guard, after being trained as a welder. You said, at the time you had a very strong background in journalism. Which at that time was summer jobs that your family owned newspapers, which you had not been very forthcoming about what they were, as you have not been very forthcoming about your college record. Now, i have to say, you have at least the nails on this panel earlier, in a agreed that your record is of comfortable hours. Nonetheless, these examples are sort of overstatements and exaggeration, and not being forthcoming. This is what has led a lot of people to question this part of your qualifications, not your experience, but your character. Would you like to set some of these things straight now, as to what you did in your summer jobs in college, what your grades were like. And would you like to identify or cosponsor of this Partnership Act . All in two minutes . Sure. Let me start with the underlying premise that somehow i havent been straightforward, and i have. So lets go right to the very first question, the Job Training Partnership act. I was the author of that the coauthor knee on his state senate was senator kennedy. I was a chairman of the appointment and productivity subcommittee. Chairman of the committee, write that legislation. Chairman of the committee right the legislation they got in get cosponsor ship. And when you are the chairman of the committee and you sit down in your the legislation, you are the author of that. And im proud of being the author of. That because you know what we had . We had a scene it program, that spent 50 billion dollars, from about 1973 1970 see through 1980, june we concluded that program unemployment was higher than when it began. It was a program that didnt work. In the Job Training Partnership act does work. Now the issue of releasing all my grades. I am, and i stand before you tonight, as to most investigated person ever to seek public office. Thousands of journalists have asked every professor ive had all my teachers, and they know, and i have never professed to be anything but an average student. I have never said that i was anything more than that. But its not whether youre not average student, its what youre gonna do with your life. And what am i gonna do with your life, i have committed to Public Service since i was 29 years of age. Elected to the house of representatives, elected to the United States senate when i was 33, and now i have the opportunity at 41, to seek the office of the vice presidency. Senator bentsen . I have absolutely no quarrel with senator quayle military record. But i do strongly disagree with him on some of the issues. You make great patriotic speeches, as i enjoy them i. Dont understand your vote on veterans issues. Senator quail has one of the worst voting records in the United States and it. That transitions. One of them that particularly bothers me sponsoring legislation to put attacks on camp combat pay and disability pay for veterans. Fighting men and women of america. Tax on the disability pay when they are lying there in the hospital. People who have sacrificed for our country. You have to explain it to the people of america and expanded tonight. John, question for senator benson. Senator, you are considered an orthodox conservative on fiscal matters. Someone concerned of the budget deficit. With everybody in politics afraid to mention taxes, or Social Security cuts. Restrained in defend spending. Would you now list specific programs which would reduce or eliminate to cut the deficit by about 50 billion dollars. The deficit which is expected to be 135 billion dollars this year. One of them that i would work on. I would do this as a farmer. I would try to turn the situation around, where we have seen the subsidy payments go from two and a half billion to ten times that under this administration. The way i accomplished out as with the tough trade policy. Opening up the markets, get those prices back up to market prices. We could do that with an aggressive trade policy for our country. If we make trade a number one priority, not treated off, or some Foreign Policy objective. That means we need to stand up for American Farmers, and that gets back on regulation of American Farmers. A positive way to accomplish that. In addition to that, we do some of the things i think have to be done and so far as doing a better job, particularly when we are talking about some of our military things we should buy. I know i fought very hard to put in an independent expected general for the defense department. The senator opposed me on that. We were finally able to put that into effect, and we saved over a quarter billion dollars this year. Almost enough to buy a squadron of 7 16s. Those are the times of things i worked on. One of the things i learned in business, you can expect with to inspect. We would be doing a tougher job of auditing, trying to get rid of some of these kickbacks to consult in military contracts, much more aggressive on that. Petition those type of things. I tried to take this true deficit around, that two would help a substantially. I would get rid of some things like the use of planes, the administration wants him to fire from new york to tokyo, and take those Investment Bankers over there in four hours. I do not think we can afford a piece of technological arrogance like that. I would strike that thing from the ticket. I did not know how many people have ridden the concord. Not many. I voted against it. I said it would be a financial disaster, and it has been that. Those are the types of things that i would work on. Senator quail . We will reduce this budget deficits. It is a challenge to make it reduce. Stick to the grand rang main targets. They have reduced the budget seven billion dollars. Senator benson voted against gray hammered. The very heat tool that has been used to bring the federal budget deficit down. We will need all of the tools possible to bring this federal budget deficit down. We need the tools of a line item veto. A line item veto, 43 governors in this country have. Not the president of the United States. The president of the United States needs a line item veto, when Congress Goes ahead to put in procreation bills, and unprecedented spending. Let the president put a line through that, let the Congress Vote on it again. Congress has to help out in reducing this budget deficit, as much as the executive branch. Last question for senator brendan. Senator pence and i like to ask you about your split personality during this electioneer. Youre running a ticket with Michael Dukakis, a man who is opposed to the Death Penalty. A man in favor of gun control, at the same time you are running for the United States senate in the state of texas, where your position on many of the same issues as well known and absolutely opposed to him. How do you explain to the people of texas how you can be a social conservatives on those cutting issues and still run with Michael Dukakis on the National Ticket . Michael dukakis was not looking for a clone, it is part of the strength and character of this man that he reaches out. If you want someone that will speak up, that i will do. I have seen many chief executives come into my office and say they are going to tell the president of the United States. Off they go into the office and turn to, jello i have dealt with many of president. I dont hesitate four minutes to speak up. When you are talking about Something Like the Death Penalty, where Michael Dukakis and i do disagree. What you have to get to as what is being done against crime. What kind of progress he has been able to make. In the state of massachusetts, he has the homicide rate down to the lowest of any industrial state. This substantially ahead of the national effort. He has been able to do that with a educated program for the people of that state by adding some 5000 new police officers. He has done it in turn, by the leadership that i think he will bring to the ticket when he becomes president of the United States and fighting drugs. He has taken down 4 in the high schools of that state while it has gone up for the rest of the nation. You will see him as president of the United States, being very aggressive in this fight against crime. Having that kind of a successful result. That is one of the reasons i am delighted and proud to be on the ticket with him. Sure, we have some differences. Overall, we have so many things we agree on. This intuition of a trade policy of cutting back on the deficit. Those are things and major issues facing our nation. Senator quail . The thing that they dont agree on is the area of National Defense. National defense and how we will preserve the freedom in this country. Michael dukakis is the most liberal National Democrats to seek the office of presidency since George Mcgovern are. He is for, he is against the amex missile. The major man. Cutting two aircraft carriers. He is opposed to many defends programs that are necessary to defend this country. That is why former secretary of defense, and former Energy Secretary in the cardinal industry shun, Jim Schlesinger and an openly letter to tie magazine. As the governor dukakis, are you viscerally anti military . James plunger never got an answer. The reason he did was because the governor of massachusetts does not want to answer former secretary Jim Schlesinger. On that very important question. Last question for senator quayle. In our lifetime we encounter an experience that helps us experience our adult philosophy one or an other. Can you describe to the audience what experience you had and how it shape your political philosophy . There are a lot of experiences that i had that have shaped my adult philosophy. The one that i keep coming back to time and time again, i talk about the on many addresses. I talk about it in the high schools, i talk about it when i visit the job training centers, its the advice that my butternut grandmother, martha pull him, she is 97 years old. We are modern day for generation family. The advice that she gave me when i was growing up is advice that i have given my children, and ive given to a number of children. A number of people. It is very simple. Its very common sense. She says, you can do anything you want to. If you just set your mind to it and go to work. The dukakis supporters near that because it is common sense. [applause] theyve near a common sense advice. Midwestern advice. Midwestern advice from a grandmother to a grandson. Important advice, something that we need to talk about because, if you want to, you can make a difference. You, america can make a difference. You will have that choice come this election. Everyone can make a difference if they want to. Senator benson . Being born on the rio grande and spending part of my life saying the struggles that have took in place in the United States. That is one of the reasons i work so hard to insist on education. When i found that the bankers in that area could not handle those because of some of the detail in the expense, could make a profit. I went down there and helped a nonprofit organization. To buy of those loans from them. To manage them. Do it in a way that they can continue to make those zones. Now they have. They have educated more than 20,000 of those students. No doubt over 100 Million Dollars, and it hasnt cost the taxpayers of this country one cent. It is one of the reasons i have worked so hard to bring Better Health care to people. What ive seen in the way of poverty down there in that area and the lack of medical attention and trying to see that that has turned around. Why ive worked so hard on the welfare reform deal. To give them a chance to break the cycles of poverty. A chance for a step up in life. Something has happened. Your lives arent working . Thank you senator benson, thank you senator quayle. We have come to the end of the questions. Before i ask make closing remarks, on behalf of the commission on president ial debates, i would like to thank all of you for joining us. Senator quayle, yours is the First Closing statement. Thank you. Tonight, it has been an important evening. You have been able to see dan quayle as i really am. How george bush and i want to lead this country into the future. Thank you america for listening, and thank you for your fairness. Now you will have a choice to make on election day. You will have a choice of whether america is going to choose the road of Michael Dukakis, or the wrote of george bush as we march towards the 21st century. The road of Michael Dukakis comes down to this. Bigger government. Higher taxes. They have always believed in higher taxes, they always have and they always will. Cuts in National Defense. Back to the old economics of high Interest Rates, high inflation and the old politics of high unemployment. The road of george bush is the road to the future and it comes down to this. And america is second to none with visions of greatness. Economic expansion. Tough laws, tough judges, strong values, respect for the flag and the institutions. George bush will lead us to the 21st century. A century that will be of hope and peace. Ronald reagan and george bush saved america from decline. We changed america, Michael Dukakis fought us every step of the way. It is not that they are not sympathetic. It is simply that they will take america backwards. George bush has experience. With me, the future committed to family, a future committed to the freedom. Thank you, goodnight. God bless you. [applause] senator benson . Your closing statement. In just 34 days, america will elect a new leadership for our country. It is the most important decision. There is no bigger job than governing this great country of ours and leading it into its future. Mike dukakis and lloyd benson offer you experience, tempered, capable leadership. To meet those challenges of the future. Proposition says lawyer sites. Rest on your laurels, mike dukakis and lloyd benson. America can do better. America cant just coast in the clinging to the future. Past. This race is too close. The competition is too tough. Their mistakes are too high. Michael dukakis and Lloyd Bentsen i think america must move into that future. The united commitment to make this country of ours the most powerful, the most prosperous nation in the world. As americans we honor our past, and we should. But our children are gonna live in the future, and Michael Dukakis says the best of america is yet to come. But that wont happen, taking care of our economy, just putting it on automatic pilot. It wont happen by accident. Its gonna take a leadership, and its gonna take courage. In the commitment in a contribution from all of us to do that. Ive worked for the betterment of our country both in war and peace, as a barber pilot, as one who has been a businessman in the United States senator. Working to make this place the fairest, strongest, and the most powerful in the world. Help us bring america to do greatness. The debate has been hours, but the decision is yours. God bless you. [applause] thank you both. Thank you. [inaudible] in 1992, the Vice President ial debate featured three candidates, the republican Vice President dan quayle, the democratic candidate al gore, and the retired vide admiral James Stockdale who was a running mate of independent president ial candidate ross perot. Good evening, from atlanta, and welcome to the Vice President ial debate sponsored by the nonpartisan commission on president ial debates. Its being held here, in the campus of georgia tech. I am hal bruno, from nbc news and i will be monitoring tonights debate. The participants are, republican Vice President dan quayle. [applause] democratic senator al gore. [applause]

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