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Your thoughts on the Supreme Court in the response to the coronavirus pandemic. The Virtual Event in newspapers, americas road ahead i am mike allen and cofounder, welcome to my home in arlington virginia, i will be joined by the morning podcast of today. We would like to thank the bank of america for making these conversations possible and thank you for joining us on the many platforms of the events, we would love for you to follow along on twitter, our first guest is senator tim kaine of the commonwealth of virginia one of only 30 people of American History who serve their neighbors as mayor, governor and United States senator and how is this for a fun fact, i have been senator keynes can situate as richmond mayor and governor and now is my senator, senator kaine, welcome. It is great to be back together talking to you. We talked about how election day is now election month, i saw some pictures of you earlier in the county, my old stomping grounds outside of richmond voting and you are out there with congresswoman abigail stan berger and since there is a numbers for early voting off the chart, what do you make of that. I think virginia might be leading the nation starting in person voting on the 18th of september, male were returned by the 18th of september, people understand that stakes are so high the selection i think you will see a dramatic increase in turnout over four years. And second because people are worried about the pandemic and coronavirus, they like having more options about how to vote and they feel like early voting or voting by mail may give them the ability to vote to keep them safe or, high stake in Health Concern has driven people to want to spread their boat out in virginia of the 45 day window and boat at the same time. Is it clear that the massive waves surge of early mailing voting benefits joe biden in senator harris or is that a story yet to be written. You cannot be 100 sure, heres what we think is beneficial, when people vote early the party gets information about whose ballot has been returned, obviously they dont get information about how the ballots had been cast but we know whos have been returned, what parties do in virginia and elsewhere, we give everybody a score to how likely they are to be democrat or republican voter, when we see boats coming back we can see what percentage of the votes are likely going to be for joe and kamala law or President Trump and mike pence. What weve seen in virginia and elsewhere, is a dramatic uptick in people who we would think would be on the democratic side and thats a suggestion of energy, we always want the voting early to give us an indication of energy and that is usually a pretty solid bit of evidence to predict the outcome. You and i remember when virginia was a swing state, there was a brief window when it was going to be the new ohio, virginia was safe. We remember more of a time when it was in a competitive state at all, was so red, in 2012 and then maybe thought to be in 2016 but you are right, by now 2020 is seems, i will say this, i dont think were a rock solid blue states, where light blue state trending blue, i think the republicans to nominate a president ial candidate that would put virginia into play is just Virginia Republicans are not trump republicans, they dont like the loud bullying bluster, that is not virginia style, donald trump would not be a rub publican and never put virginia and play, the democrats cannot think we have to lock on the state right now, i dont think were relatively close to the midpoint. What kind of a republican could throw virginia into play. Ill give you example from 2016 when i was watching the primary with all the republican candidates on stage, i thought of marco rubio or jeb bush could potentially have done well and virginia but that was an election where there were too many people swimming in that lane of the pool and they ended up taking each others votes, marco rubio did pretty well on Election Night in the primary virginia 2016 but remember john kasich was still in the rank and dropped out shortly thereafter, he had been out in rubio couldve one read enter Virginia Republican party, that republican can still play strong its both in virginia and nationally that doesnt seem to be the kind of person that gets a republican nomination. Senator kaine you got to enjoy the Vice President ial debate a little more this time around four years ago the tickets were made with secretary hillary clinton, we have a little clip to remind you of this weeks debate. In 18 i would like to to answer the question. Im speaking in 1864. [laughter] it sound like you enjoyed that moment as much as i did, that was my favorite moment of the debate i read about it in my first dispatch and i am speaking, you know senator harris very well as a colleague and a friend, tell us about what that moment told us about her. The reason she said it twice was like robert in the poem and miles to go before i sleep and miles to go before i sleep. It has two meanings, the first one is my turn in the second time she said it, its almost the history, icom of the harrison africanamerican woman, of south asian dissent, icom of the harris, the child of immigrants, this is my turn now and that is a great thing for america that in the selection we have Kamala Harris on the ticket and thats why she said it two different ways with the very proud smile on her face. I love that moment to. Senator kaine you talk to her about the role, what advice did you give, the privilege of traveling with you as a Vice President ial nominee and you treated it as a greatest road trip ever. I was never in a rock band going to 140 cities in 41 states in 105 days thats the closest ill get and i met so many wonderful people, that part is amazing, if i said, love gives us more advice about the job itself, everything about the job is joe biden, i were close to joe when he was Vice President versus the governor in the first term and a senator in the second term and im 100 learned three powerful things about the role. A Vice President will speak truth to power. Look the president in the face and give the most candid advice, you saw, they do that on stage and she sure going to do it privately and joe biden is confident enough to want that, number two you do that privately, you dont do it publicly, joe biden never let there be public disagreement between he and barack obama even though there was private disagreement, you keep the disagreements private but the third thing i learned that was really interesting and joe told us this once, when i disagree with the president youll never see it publicly but i asked the president to respect me, dont make me to fail if i disagree with you, by give you advice and you decide to go another direction have somebody else be the person because i cant be effective if my heart is not in it. Those three rules, candid advice, keep it private, asked the president dont make me go out and sell something, i think those things make the relationship work while joe is such a great vp to barack obama and i think, law will follow those rules and be a great partner to president obama. I know you dont lead to any conclusions but there are signs out there of a blue wave signed that democrats could take back the senate in the house if we do have a unified government and all democratic government, what could you imagine getting done, people are used to washington not working but with all democrats, washington was suddenly work. We want to and we have to show people that they can account down on their institutions to produce, the first thing we will have to do President Trump this week called off all the discussions of a fifth covid bill, people are still hurting, the economy, family, our healthcare sector need more work, if we havent got a fifth bill, significant one by Inauguration Day we need to do that out of the gate to try to rescue the economy as much as joe bidens Vice President having worked with president obama do the same thing in 2009. I think people will want to see the things democrats have talked about for years, immigration reform, background background checks, raising the minimum wage, lgbtq equality in the nation civil rights statute. One of the things we talk about that we are not supposed to do it, we want to see them quickly move to address these issues, i also want to see the administration do some things that they can do and rejoin the paris climate afford to fight to rescue the climate over planet. Senator a quick question, you said you thought it was reckless for republicans to plunge ahead with the Supreme Court confirmation of judge Amy Coney Barrett before people vote, it certainly looks like its headed that way, youre one of the democrats to confirm or for the Circuit Court of appeals will contain your votes im going to vote under any circumstances before election day because the republicans promised us in the American Public that we should let the Public People decide who is the president and who is the senate before we fill a vacancy, im going to hold them to their word and oppose anyone, saying we get way past the election and judge baer is the nominee, at that point in going to look at her as a judge on the seventh circuit, she had no record as a judge when i voted but she did have a solid record as an academic, now she has a record as a judge, for me, the key issue would be the opinion that shes written as an appellate judge and what Comfort Level i have having read that that she would follow precedent then rather to overturn precedent to accomplish the goals. Who wouldve thought in the year of years a huge political issue would be big ten football and you had a hearing on college sports, what if you learn, tell us an interesting. What ive learned as i was saddened, i guess i shouldve known this at age 62 and how much of the decisions is driven by the desires to make tv money rather than the health of the youngsters, any young football player, they might get to play next year but the money from the schools is so powerful that i frankly worry that his overriding factor in we know were risking Young Peoples Health and sadly this year we are risking it into a virus and it seems to me and it made me very sad. We cannot and on a downer, you are shut down, with the new tradition that you have, a new workout, what have you done to make good use of your shutdown. Two things my wife and i were together and wrote together a lot more than we normally are, we try not to repeat, weve gone through every park, cemetery Civil War Battlefield that we can find in the other thing i did this summer, i rode my bicycle from North Carolina to the northern tip of virginia on the Blue Ridge Parkway with a friends trip that we did 25 years ago to see if we still hadnt enough in the hadnt enough. I love it, could not be a better way to end senator kaine ill look forward to seeing you on the trail maybe more than one time and thank you for joining. Always good, take care. Taking to bank of america for making these conversations possible and now we will see a video from the bank of america. The racial and economic disparity that have long existed in this country have only been widened by the coronavirus and amplified by the most recent attacks. People around the world are coming together with greater urgency to demand action that bank of america we know we all have a role to play to overcome the very real consequences of systemic racism and in equity. This includes individuals, governments, nonprofit and the private sector. Racial equality and Economic Opportunity thats why bank of america should commit one for 10 billion in four years to address access to healthcare, employment and jobs in the resource of Small Businesses that need to 60 we need to do more now to further advance the Economic Opportunity. Taking to the bank of america for making the conversations possible, our next guest is senator josh hawley of missouri grew up in Rural Missouri ran away to stanford, yelled, came back with Missouri Attorney general now the youngest member of the United States senate and already made a name for himself, senator hawley, welcome. Thank you for having me. You on the Judiciary Committee, you will be the center of the fight for the confirmation of judge Amy Coney Barrett but you have a much more personal view for the court than most everyone else was going to be here, you were a law clerk to cheeschief Justice Roberts and d in the building. I did work in the building its been a number of years ago and one of my first jobs out of law school i actually met my wife doing that. It was a good year for me, we got married after our year of working together on the court and i got to see that court up close and personal and ive gotten to litigate, i am a member of the bar of the courts, it is a place that i know relatively well. How is the chief justice. The chief justice is a very good boss, he runs his team with great efficiency and the federal judiciary, one of the jobs that minister the federal judiciary as a whole which he does very, very efficiently and he is a terrific terrific boss to work for. Senator giving our viewers a little preview of the confirmation hearings, i want to see whether or not democrats make attacks on judge barrett and thats an area where you plan to be tough, tell us your stance on not questioning. They already have, they have been attacking judge barrett left and right, they started three years ago at her first confirmation hearing with senator durbin and interrogated her faith and asked her if she was an orthodox catholic. This senator coronel said she was worried judge barrett would be a catholic judge as opposed i dont know what, an american judge, you had senator feinstein say the dogma lives loudly and judge barrett, osler on her religious beliefs, unfortunately we seen a pattern from democrats over the years not just with judge barrett but other judges before the committee where they interrogated and often times catholics but various believers of all stripes interrogating them about their membership in religious groups like the knight of columbus was, that harris has done this as shes gone after nominees based on their membership in catholic groups, this is really coming down to an attempt to impose a religious test that article six of the constitution explicitly says cannot be applied in this country, its a form of religious bigotry, democrats have been trafficking in this bigotry for too long and its time for every single one of the democrats on the Judiciary Committee to renounce it and to pledge that they will abide by the constitution and they will not seek to impose, silence is not enough, after the years of a trafficking in bigotry and unconstitutional, its not enough to go silent, most of them are doing worse and that theyre continuing to question her faith, silence is not enough, senator harris in particular since she has been an offender and trafficked in the antireligious attacks, she needs to leave the charge and say she was wrong to go after nominees of the basis of their faith and she needs to say she was wrong to impose a religion and she and her colleagues need to pledge that they will not do it, i want to hear that out of their mouths from every Judiciary Committee member. Not just avoiding it but youre going to headed off as the past my grandma would say what are you going to do to insist that Democratic Senators are renouncing or what will you do to push or pressure them. Call them out, ive already sent a letter to senator schumer which he ignored or where i called on democrats to renouncing the tax which they have ignored and they are continuing to traffic in these attacks and were seen story after story, the democrats are preaching to the press about Amy Coney Barretts religious faith in catholic upbringing and catholic way of life and how she raises her family and on and on and on, it is ridiculous, its outrageous, she says senator her row no said amy baratz faith and commitment to her faith gave her serious pause how she would rule on the bench, it is ongoing and im going to call it out every single opportunity and im going to call on democrats to renounce it, they should be able to say they would abide by the constitution in article six which says no religious for judgment, that ought to be good enough, it should not be hard to say they will adhere to that standard in silence is not enough, silence is acquiescence, liberty trafficked in the stereotypes in the bigotry, they pretty pushed it for years so now its not enough to go silent, they need to say they were wrong and they need to pledge to abide by the constitution. Senator i see youre gonna keep the hearings, you mention senator harris who will be in the spotlight, the prominent members of the Judiciary Committee in the spotlight this week in the Vice President ial debate with Vice President pence, were gonna play a quick clip and then we will talk about it. Vice president pence, have you had a conversation or reached an agreement with President Trump about safeguard or procedure when it comes to the issue of president ial disability, if not do you think you should, you have to minutes without interruption. Thank you although i would like to go back. I think we need to move on. Thank you i would like to go back, the reality is, were going to have a vaccine in record time, and unheard of time in less than a year. You know Vice President pence, what did you learn about Vice President pence from that debate, what can we expect to see from him in the final three or so weeks. I think you learned he is tough on that debate, he was as he always is as ive known him to be which he is polite and gracious and he was kind to senator harris, treated her as a colleague that she is an equal to him that she is and was very professional, he was tough and i thought that he drove home the point very well which is a joe biden has a record that we should look at and American Workers to china and selling out American Workers to the giant Multinational Corporation of liberal global list and thats exactly what hell do as president of the United States, that should be the central issue of this campaign, i thought they prosecuted that case very well in the debate. Senator in missouri you were tough on the Tech Companies when you came here right away, you have talked over the years how you feel like the federal government has been much too timid with Tech Companies, there seems to be more action, do you feel like d. C. Is getting in the game or how do you feel now about the current stance of the government. I do think things are starting to catch up, i think d. C. , the capital has been way behind where voters are on this, part of it because the tech has enormous influence on capitol hill, they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars over years to buy influence with lobbyist in think tanks and academics and Congressional Staff its been effective this is one of the reasons we not seen any meaningful tech legislation come out of congress. Certainly not in my 21 months although we are beginning to see as voters make it clear that they are not okay with the giant monopolies controlling all the information and controlling the flow of news and controlling what we can and cannot say to each other, how we can speak, i think you see the public saying this is enough and politicians are finally starting to react to that, theres a lot to do, there is a lot of work that congress should do and i hope the Justice Department will bring in antitrust suit against google this month, i think that is very possible and i am very, very hopeful that that will occur, i think that is overdue and i hope for the state attorney general will also bring in antitrust suit. Senator holland when people think about the post Trump Republican Party in a few months or in four years at the top of people conversation, people are shaming the future of the party, about bluecollar economics and republicans either pay more attention to that, tell us what you mean by that. Working folks are the backbone of this country noise have been and i mean that as a talking point a point of history, makes us unique, we are the first republican the history of the world that was built on the premise that the ordinary everyday common man as a phrase used to be we are absolutely citizens could run this country and should run this country. Our whole history was based around that and by the way the history of the steadily expanding who counted in that category making a broader and broader and thats been a major fight throughout our history but a proud one where we have seen that grow and expand, ive come back to the common man and woman the working man and woman have been the backbone of this country what we seen for decades, we have seen standing and economic standing, weve seen their cultural standing and political influence erode, we need to ask ourselves what the future of this countrys going to be if all of the power and the money and the political influence is pooled at the top, concentrated in the hands of a few folks who are over educated, wellconnected, lived mostly on the coast, is not the kind of country we want to have, will our democracy survive if thats the shape it has, i think it wont it wont survive in the way that we know and have known in history, we have to know about reempowering the american middle, i dont just mean the geographic middle but the middle of our society, the people on whom our society really rest, the working man and woman, we need economic and economic program. Around that, we need to strengthen their cultural influence as well as the political power. There has been far too little to celebrate in 2020 but you are someone who has some good news this year senator hawley, father of two sons and you have little announcement to make. Yes im going to be the father of a daughter here in just a few weeks my wife and i are blessed to welcome her third child, our baby girl as we call her, we still dont have a name for her and i have to say our family is getting anxious about that but we got a little bit of time left to settle on a name, we are so excited in my boys are seven and five and im really excited to go through this wonderful time with them because theyll be old enough to appreciate it and i think its going to be a terrific adventure and a tremendous blessing to our family in 2020s been a heck of a year, but for the holly family is a heckuva good year. Senator hawley, congratulations and godspeed to you and your young family and thank you for joining. Thank you for having me. We are going to be right back with a conversation the host of the today podcast. Thank you to the bank of america for making this conversation possible and now here is a quick video from the bank of america. I am the host of the morning popodcast and the next guest isa representative from california 45th congressional district. Katie porter is joining us from irvine, california. Thank you for being her representative. Local candidates who are running for diversity so i dont think people are feeling discouraged from running for office but i do think theres always a segment of the population that when all elected leaders thicker, dodge questions, they turn off the tv and they walk away from the discourse and i think what we saw in this weeks debate was people appreciated the quality and stability of the debate was from the first president ial debate left a lot to be desired as well there were a lot of questions were not answered. The majority of moderator susan pages questions were not answered. Youre someone who likes to have things answer. One question was about essentially what one of the main roles of the office of the Vice President which is to be second in line of succession and i wonder if we could hear that clip. Senator harris, let me ask you the same question i asked Vice President pence which is have you rich reached an agreement with Vice President biden aboutsafeguards or procedures when it comes to the issue ofresidential disability and if not , if you win the election next month do you think you should . You have twominutes. First of all, the day i got the call from joe biden it was asking him to serve with me on the ticket was one of the most memorable days of my life. We ended there because she didnt answer the question and i should say Vice President pence also didnot answer the question butfor you as a member of the Democratic Party and as a citizen , is that something you want to know . Whats the plan . This is something thats always of importance, the fact that we have two candidates who are older and more in the middle of a pandemic but there is a Succession Plan in the constitution. The Vice President takes over and i think the issues around aging, around cognitive impairment, weve dealt with this before with president reagan and i do think its something we need to work on but im not sure its something a Vice President ial candidate of either party can decide for themselves. I think this is something that may require some real democratic debate in terms of congress or other bodies thinking through whether we want to amend the constitution and how we want might want to make adjustments so i think every Vice President ial candidate needs to say that they will protect and defend the constitution including stepping up and speaking out if the president is unable to lead for any reason and i think there could be strong statements on both sides about that but that nature of how you design and build that , thats a decision that belongs to the people either through a broadly elected congress or through the constitutional process and not just through the candidates. Are you concerned about that with President Trump now that hes been diagnosed with the coronavirus and obviously is undergoing medical treatment . The lack of transparency from the white house about the president s Health Condition is what concerning. Weve had other president s who have fallen ill who dealt with diseases like polio so this happens. Whats different is i think that people dont feel like they know accurately what the president s condition is. So its not so much that i think every time a president is sick or get injured or is hospitalized that we just activate all of the Succession Plans but we do need to have confidence that the information iscorrect , so that we know if those plans or needed or not and thats where people are concerned. I didnt answer graham chat with some of our axios audience and it was like ask anything in so many questions were about the Electoral College. Are you concerned that weve become a nation where president ial candidates focus so much on swing states or certain communities solely because of the Electoral College . The Electoral College obviously is a picture of american democracyand its one that comes out of our history. A handful of states emphasizing the ability of states to have a lot of power these aviva federal government. That has evolved over our president history and i think the Electoral College, there are two problems i see there. One is how it shapes the president ial election and i will point out some places in the us today were notplaces that were swing states 20 or 30 years ago. California in that era produced ronald reagan, was a republicanleaning state just a generation ago so we see different places become swing states and get attention. The other influences are on the shape of the senate and we are having a conversation about whether having two senators per state, some of us present fewer people that for instance i represent as a member of congress is an incorrect system so i think both of those are debates that we need to be having but i think first and foremost a need to be happening after we have elected a new president and with a joe biden Kamala Harris administration we can hopefully have a thoughtful, meaningful discussion about how to inform our government if we decide thats what we need but we shouldnt be doing it in a rash way and in reaction to President Trumps shortcomings with regard to this pandemic, with regard to corruption. We have laws to protect against some of these things, theyre just not being exercised. Representative porter, speaking of things that were not talking about that much this election cycle im thinking of Climate Change and particularly of young voters, this is their most important issue. This is an issue thats important to you and when youre thinking about the biden Harris Administration i wonder what part of that platform regarding green jobs are you most interested in . One of the things im excited about is the way they have put it together with traditional Building Trades, the Labor Community together with moving forward on the environment. Thats really important. Every time we had industry transformation there are, theres an effort to i think push down workers, to push down wages to the fact that there emphasizing that these are going to be high paying, welltrained steady jobs that can support a middleclass family is important and i think the other thing about the pandemic and the biden Harris Administration is they have demonstrated why having leaders who believe in science matters so with every term weve had problems with finances and Research Forward with the credibility of scientific researchers and protecting their opinion and with the pandemic i think thats a powerful caution for people that we dont want to use that same approach when it comes to Climate Change so the fact that you hear biden and harris consistently talking about science, consistently talking about research, consistently talking about global partnerships to combat Climate Change i think is also echoes in peoples mind as a contrast to what weve seen from the Trump Administration with regard to covid. Were almost out of time but i wanted to ask you there were so many comments on social media about how congresswoman harris was handling being interrupted so many times and i wonder how much you think about how your communication is perceived or received civilly because you are a woman. I think most women, many younger people, many people of color have had this experience ofbeing interrupted. And i think it tells you something about mike pences ability to relate to the diverse population ofthis country and the diverse kind of leaders elected in this country. I thought senator harris did a beautiful job of remaining unruffled, being true to who she was. Making sure that she understood i thought and expressed, it wasnt about her getting equal time. It was about the American People having equal time to hear both points of view. We havent had a chance to talk about your famous white sport but i wonder if i can ask you a question about numbers because i know math is your strong suit and i was going to ask you on a scale of 1 to 10 how interested you wouldbe filling senator harriss seat if she were elected as Vice President. Ive said this before and ill say it again. I went into politics. I ran for office because i wanted to make a difference on policy and before that i had the honor of working for then attorney general now senator harris helping families facing foreclosure but i was making a difference in policy doing that writing articles that changedthe rule along so im always going to be open to anything that i think will let me deliver change in peoples lives. I think one of the most frustrating things for the American People is to hear congresspeople or senators announce one thing. Governors and they say this is what weve done but then they dont realize theyre experiencing something else. When we say we hear people getting out these Unemployment Benefits but theyre not being delivered so im always going to say yes to any opportunity where i think i can help deliver meaningful change in peoples lives whether thats the senate, whether that the administration , continuing to serve on the Oversight Committee in congress. All those things i think are really towards helping make change. Can you give us anumber between 1 to 10. No number, it cant be quantified. Thank you so much for takingthe time to speak with us. Our representative katie porter represents californias 45th congressional district. Joining us from irvine, thank you for taking the time with us today. Thank you. And by going back to ask cofounder mike allen. Is not exactly the right time of day i have to say good morning. I was very interested in your conversation about climate. And it reminded me of how little and issued this conversationhas been, this has been such an issues free president ial election. So much hasbeen about the antics of the debate. Like, did someone actually answer a question . But no ones talking about the issues,which is usually what people vote on. So i was really struck by representative porters answer about green jobs and talking about bringing back middleclass jobs and marrying labor unions and Building Trades and it really just kind of, i hadto stop for a moment andthink when was the last time we heard president ial candidate talking about this . I dont even know when. Thats become the economic message. I think for people who are paying close attention, maybe put people who are able to go to town halls or have one on one interactions which as we know during this pandemic is a very limited amount of people able to do that with either candidate. All those traditional venues where weretalking about the issues are lost a little bit which is why these debates are still important. Whatever you think, one thing that makes me hopeful and optimistic is people are really learning details about their amendments and i was interested in your conversation about the Electoral College and you did and Instagram Live the other day. People wanted to ask real questions. People are really paying attention. I think its something that were missing that people are so engaged and there is a whole segment of the population thats really wanting to know what is going on and are really concerned about for example the Electoral College system. We had a Campaign System set up to focus on these little wing states, thats a lot of what, they see that conversation about swing state and they think what about me so people were asking a lot of questions on this Instagram Live about how do we change the Electoral College . How does it work, how many votes for state so if as you think we can never underestimate the amount of basic information that people arelooking for. Now as were beginning to wrap up on our screens i have to ask, you were born in miami so i have to hear florida, what are you hearing from back home . I was an absentee ballot voter in miamidade in 2000 so i think its very interesting. My parents live in Central Florida in a Retirement Community and what i hear from my parents as well as from friends and other family in miami is this is close people , i would not call this race at all but i do think at all levels of the state at all ages, all demographics, i dont know that we know whos going to win florida. Thank you for the conversations and i will hear you on your podcast today. Thank you mike. Thank you very much nila and i thank bank of america for making these conversations possible. We got to have breakfast with you every day, my newsletter, sign up, ask eos. Com, sign up and some news im excited about. Axios is taking the local to make you smarter, faster where you live. Wed love for you to check that out at axios. Com local and we got a axios newspaper next week, look forward to seeing you then and in the meantime ill see you on axios. Com. Watching cspan2, your unfiltered view of government created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service brought to you by yourtelevision provider. Book tv on cspan2 has stopped nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Today at 9 15 p. M. Eastern donald trump junior on his book liberal privilege. And at 11 in her book the virginia dynasty, former second Lady Lynn Cheney chronicles the leadership of four of the first five president s from virginia. George washington, thomas jefferson, James Madison and james monroe. And on sunday at 9 pm eastern on after words, former cia director john brennan about his life and career in his book undaunted. My fight against americas enemies at home and abroad. Hes interviewed by New York Times National Security reporter julian barnes. What book tv this weekend on cspan2

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